Muscovy duck in the fight against slugs

Muscovy duck in the fight against slugs

Maybe a bit odd looking, but the Muscovy duck is a good resource.

The Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) can provide you with eggs to your breakfast and meat in your stew, but did you know it can also be a great help in pest control? The duck is in fact a great Spanish slug (Arion vulgaris) eater!

The problem

Some places in Norway are infested with Spanish slugs. The slug came to Norway from France where it is not particularly troublesome, neither in gardens or in agriculture. In Norway, it has few natural enemies and has therefore spread rapidly at the expense of many Norwegian gardens.
One farm has picked as many as 12 thousand slugs during one season!

The No.1 slug eater!

I took these photos while I was at a petting farm with my little family. And the handsom Muscovy duck certainly caught my eye.

Just look at that face! The face only a mother can love.

So forget about the usual aids like salt and scissors, a duck is what you need to get rid of those nasty slugs!

Photo from Pixabay. Spanish slug.

My contrubution to @papa-pepper's combination photography

Photo Proof. I am the photographer.

Week: 30
Medium: Photography
Camera: Canon EOS 750D
Location: Eide, Norway

Love ❤ @norwegiansteem

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