Incredible Animal Photography from Safari in Africa

I really wanted to share some awesome animal photos from our safaris in Africa. I literally have hundreds and hundreds of every animal known to man from the 10 days of safaris we did in Africa. I can't even explain how exciting seeing these animals in the wild really is. This trip was my wife's bucket list choice so I was happy to go, but I wasn't near as excited as she was. I just kept thinking that I can see all these animals in a zoo if I want. I have to tell you, there is no comparison. Every animal we saw was like finding treasure on a hunt.


The lion pictured had just killed a Wildebeest and was just crunching down on it. The sound of the bones cracking as its jaws bit into the Wildebeest just about made my wife sick. It was gory, but it was such a treat to get to witness.


This monkey just walked up and sat on a rock and stared at us for the longest time. He was really studying us hard. I have another picture of him that's NSFW :) He was very happy to see us :)


My wife (@qberryfarms) wanted to see an elephant in the wild so bad she couldn't stand it. We saw one of the first day and she nearly lost it. Then, as the days wen't on, we would see dozens and dozens of them together. It never got old. They are incredible. We did have one wild moment when one seemed to be chasing our Land Cruiser, but he gave up quickly.


This female lion is stalking a gazelle in the distance. Can you see it in the tall grass? He never did run after him. We learned that lions have to spend so much energy to get a prey that they will not even try unless they are nearly certain they can catch it. The gazelles and other prey know exactly how close they can get without the lion coming after them.


Hope you enjoyed this safari trip to Africa with us. I'm saving many more for later :)

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