Animal Photography With Red & Sunday

A two fold entry :

My two cat, Red and Sunday are both male but act like a couple who have lived together for years, bicker now and then and wear on each other’s nerves.

The solution - have separate quarters, in this case, separated by a cushion.

Red And Sunday

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These two cats make me laugh at how they know exactly where each one is but will not eat out of the same bowl or sleep in the same spot.

I keep this heavy sheet on the couch to protect it from shedding cat fur and from being shredded by the cats’ claws. When company comes the sheet is removed, otherwise, when a visitor walks out the door, their rear would be covered in cat hairs. It’s happened a few times!

When I had outside cats, there never was problems with them scratching the furniture or the excess shedding but, being free to roam outside, they meet their demise by predators or were killed by vehicles. It’s this reason I keep Red and Sunday inside.

They are great companions and do a swell job if any mice invade the house. Many people , myself included, believe cats are a wonderful protection against any negative force in your home. Perhaps that’s why witches always have a cat by their side.

Red and Sunday are well behaved except for the clawing at the furniture.

Sunday & Red washing up

Declawing cats is a no-no by the Humane Society whether they are inside cats or can roam freely outside.

I tend to agree with them as the cat has no protection when claws are missing; not only to fight but they need claws to climb trees.

My two are inside cats and they are not declawed. I have a scratching pad for them but they still take a claw now and then on the sides of the furniture.

Clipping their nails every couple of weeks helps a bit. I also try to brush their fur coat each day.

Red and Sunday especially like to stratch the sides of my lazy boy where I sit typing on my iPad, such as, right now.

Sunday is the worst offender. Red, being older, will listen and obey when I raise my voice,

”Stop ruining my chair you little fur devil. Go scratch on your own scratching pad”

Okay-he’s not that obedient and can’t understand a lot of the English language or any other language!

If I raise my voice, Red will stop scratching my chair but doesn’t always go to the scratching pad! In fact, he usually goes to see what’s in his food dish.

I definitely could use a new chair! Furniture can be replaced but not my little fur babies.

Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Camera: iPad Air

Photos by @redheadpei unless otherwise noted.

😻Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day🐱


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