Trouble 皮蛋猫


This is Trouble. He is my sister's cat. They got him when he was a kitten, and so he grew up at my sister's place with another cat as well as a dog. It used to get along with the dog very well, and acted like a dog. For example, Trouble will not curl up to sleep like a proper cat, but have its four legs out exposing its belly like a dog. He is also peculiar, in that he only like pats when he wants to be patted. He will come and walk into your face demanding a pat, then after a few pat he would hiss at you and run away when he had enough. Now he is a grown cat, and after being repeated annoyed my sister's kids and the dog, he no longer stays in the house, and he just roams the neighbourhood and only come back at night for food and bed.

这是皮蛋猫。 他是我姐的猫。 他从少就在我姐家,在一只狗和另一只猫的另一只猫的照顾下长大。他以前跟狗狗玩得很好,还以为自己是条狗,连睡姿都像狗多于像猫。他也不喜欢让人摸。他需要人摸的时候会出现在你面前站着要你摸。摸不到几下他就烦了,发出嘶嘶声地跑走了。现在他是个大猫了,每天一早出去,半夜才回家,每次我都见不着他。

Thanks @juliank and @photocontests for organising these contests for the steemit photography community! Also check out @kona for his daily pet photography event! If you like this photo don't forget to visit my page @stabilowl for other photos and travel blogs

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