Nova's World #10 | Dog Appreciation Post | My Forever Furry Bestfriend Nova

Here comes another helping of Nova pics to satisfy the dog-loving part of your soul! Nova's World #10

(Skip to the end if you want to see the pics straight away! haha)

Can I just start off by saying that dogs are truly wonderful. They just have so much love to give and never ask for anything in return (apart from endless pats, behind-the-ear scratches, treats, toys and cuddles). Nova has been such a great companion over the past week and it really made me think while we were on our evening walk just how much I rely on her in my life. Her presence, her silly nature and her unique quirks give me something to smile and laugh about every single day.

I'm really blessed in my life to always have most of my family close-by and even though I don't live with my mum, brother and sisters, I still get to see them quite regularly. My whole family has been away competing in a Dragon Boat Competition in Boracay (Philipines) for the past couple weeks so I haven't been able to see them. My husband, Ben, has also been away from home, travelling for work. So I've had a lot of time to myself, which has been good as I've caught up on a few things I've been meaning to do and spend more time trawling through endless posts on Steemit. Although at times I don't know what to do with myself as I'm used to always having my loved ones around me.

This whole time, Nova has been my (furry) rock and companion. I've been really enjoying our evening walks together as I get to escape from work, escape from the housework ('cause I'm lazy), and escape from technology. This might sound weird as I LOVE being on Steemit and I've been obsessed with this game called Stardew Valley, but it's a nice change to get away from it all and go for a nice relaxing stroll in the fresh air and cool breeze.

Nova normally pulls on her lead a LOT when I take her for walks (she's all muscle, no fat) so I get really frustrated at times as I always have to be alert and can't relax and just ENJOY the walk. But this week she has been AMAZING! It's like she knows that a relaxing walk is exactly what I've needed everyday. She has been calm and walking right beside me 95% of the time. All she's needed is the occassional correction and we continue on our way around our neighborhood.

Well, enough of my dog appreciation rant. Maybe I'm just a crazy dog mum (I know I am) but the point is - I love my dog and couldn't imagine our lives without her.

Now for some Nova DOG PICS! Let me know which one is your favourite!

"Really? No treat?? Not impressed." - Nova

"Now please give me treat" - Nova

"You're leaving some for me right?" - Nova

Just woke up from her nap as she heard me eating

Out the door and looking for Wallabies in the park already

"Mum, move the camera, I'm looking for Wallabies to chase" - Nova

Thank you for stopping by and checking out Nova's photos. I hope they gave you a little smile and we wish you all an amazing week!

-Frankie & Nova

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