Pet shop animal rescue

Some people like animals. Others love them. But a few people simply live for animals and dedicate their lives to the welfare of weaker and smaller creature. My friend Moran is such a person. 

Moran runs a pet shop in my town called M.L. Pets and proudly advertises that the store does not sell animals or choke collars for dogs. Obviously, I buy all my cat food and litter from her. But offering competitive pricing while donating a portion to animal rescue organizations is not the only thing I love about Moran's relationship with the animal world. She also rescues and helps rehabilitate urban animals and neglected pets.

Every visit to Moran's store is an adventure. This month she is taking care of a fruit bat and an abused parrot. A few months back she adopted a crow that had fallen out of his nest. Another time she was dog-sitting for an adorable Shiba Inu (Doge Puppy).

Since our cats were out of moist food (spoiled bastards), we stopped by her shop today and I decided to take some photos, add a few I shot in my previous visits, and share with you.

Itty bitty wounded bat

No srsly, itty bitty!!

Resident @mrlightning for perspective of tininess

This poor fellow is named Monroe and has seen some bad shit in his life

This is me and Georgy. He likes pink and shiny thing.

... and posing for selfies.

I wonder what creature will greet me on my next visit!


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