PORK SACRIFICE TO BENEFIT FROM YOUR MEAT - (strong images for sensitive public)

First of all, with this article I intend to teach the general public of steemit about the different forms of animal sacrifice to obtain meat for domestic use, with this article is TOTALLY TEACHING not to walk through life killing animals for no reason . On the other hand I want to warn that this article contains strong images for a certain public ...

Own photography

First of all, to benefit from the meat we need to have the animal; this is hit and pierced with a knife in such a way that it does not suffer, then the animal when it loses its blood has 2 options: 1 the blood is collected or 2 the blood is allowed to drain well .. The blood can be collected to prepare certain food dishes. Once hanging and dead we proceed to remove the hairs and some skin, this we do with water very well boiled and with a knife.

Own photography

Own photography

After removing part of the hair and skin, we are taking parts to pieces of animal part, we are going away and cleaning, BEWARE OF NOT CONTAMINATING THE FLESH WITH THE TRIPAS. It turns out that if you break the guts inside the animal you can contaminate the meat with its excrement.

Own photography

Own photography

Own photography

And to conclude, it is taken to a cleaner place to do another cleaning of the meat and then be subjected to refrigeration, very important to have it refrigerated at least 2 days before consumption; since there are certain bacteria and microorganisms that die from low temperatures.

Own photography

Own photography

I hope you liked this article if you have any questions or questions do not forget to leave your comment ...

SIEMBRA DE MAÍZ BLANCO - ¡Comida de los dioses!
practicing bonsai technique
extraction of carrot seed in a homemade way

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