Animal Series #37 - Common Blue Wing (Polyommatus icarus)

Common Blue Wing

Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of the upper side of the wings.

The common blue wing is found on grassy and flowery meadows. The species prefers dry locations, and is usually found in road cuts and the like, this one was found by the beach.

The common blue is part of the glossy wings family. Gloss wings usually have a calm and well-fledged escape. Often they fly short trips from flower to flower. At night and in the cloudy weather rests the butterfly. Flight time is from May to August. The wings are held together up and out of the body, and the somewhat sparse wing underside gives the butterfly a certain camouflage and protection.

Adult glossy wings live by nectar they suck up from the flowers on different plants (herbs). The suction proboscis, on the underside of the head, allows the butterfly to reach deep flowers to soak nectar. The suction proboscis makes butterflies dependent on liquid food.

Original (4608x3456)

Original (4608x3456)

Location: Jæren, Norway
Camera: Nikon P900
No filter have been used
No editing have been made to these photos
Photographer: @flatman

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