Hoverfly (Syrphidae Ribesii)
Common garden flower fly (Syrphus ribesii) is a medium-sized fly that belongs to the family of flowerflies. It is one of the most common flower fly species in Norway in the summer. It is found all over the country except on the high mountains.
A medium size (10-13 mm), yellow and black flower flies. It looks like a wasp, but is not one of the best wasp imitation. The head is big and wide, eyes dark red and bare. They meet in the forehead of the male but are widely spread with the female. The antennas are quite short, mostly yellow. The face is yellow. Thorax is black with green pollination. On the sides it is tightly dressed with yellow hair. The bag is oblong oval. slightly flat, with deep black base color. The second link has yellow side spots, the third and fourth usually wide yellow cross bands that are slightly inscribed in the middle. The fifth link is almost completely yellow, the sixth yellow but black at the root. The legs are slim, mostly yellow, but with some black on the male. The wings are glass-clear and almost invisible.
Please excuse my shaky hands...
Location: Jæren, Norway
Camera: Nikon P900
No filter have been used
No editing have been made to these photos
Photographer: @flatman
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