😲 B̲e̲l̲i̲e̲v̲e̲ ̲I̲n̲ ̲T̲h̲e̲ ̲I̲m̲p̲o̲s̲s̲i̲b̲l̲e̲:̲ ̲A̲r̲e̲ ̲U̲n̲i̲c̲o̲r̲n̲s̲ ̲R̲e̲a̲l̲?̲ 😲

Do you believe in the impossible? 

Humans with the pass of the time have seen “things” that normally for us it can be kind of unreal but maybe this is not totally a lie. There are a lot of reports about humans seeing weird creatures, animals, even strange things. People use to believe that these reports are just a lie or just hallucinations, so at the end, people leave those doubts open and frequently many people like to make researches about these enigmatic creatures that maybe in some moment they could be real.

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One of these weird but fantastic creatures is the Unicorn; normally we see it as a big white horse with a long horn in their heads.


People used to say that they did not exist but with the pass of the years, a lot of people put their lives in the fact that they saw one and also there are a lot of tales and stories that show us how they were and what happens when a person finds one.

Actually is practically impossible find one (if you believe in them), but we can find a lot of tales that express how is a Unicorn. In fact, the first unicorns appeared in early Mesopotamian artworks, and it also was referred to in the ancient myths of India and China. Even in Korea they had if I can assume it their own kind of unicorn, its name is “Kirin” and the people cannot tell you if this creature was real or not, or even prove that actually it keeps some kind of relationship with the Unicorn. The only relation is that the Koreans used to confuse the unicorn’s tail with the kirin’s tale, because they had the same hoofed, quadruped look but sometimes having two horns instead of one. 

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Europeans have this story pretty marked in their culture, with movies, books or kid tales.

Unicorns have been in their culture for centuries and they have some people that strongly believe that they were real in some age, together with dragons or fairies. Also, in their tales and book we see how the unicorns were highly valuable for people, their horns, its material was really weird and expensive, it could give “magical” benefices to items and as we can see it in “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” some believed that their blood had healing effect or even grant eternal life.

As we can see there are not strong clues that prove that unicorns exist or existed, but there is something that we need to have clear. They are real for some people, maybe in some moment they were alive and right now they are extinct, we cannot know it, even if there are pictures, paints, videos, etc. we will never know if this creature actually existed, the only thing that you can do is believe. 

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Ask yourself, is the impossible possible? Are there more creatures that I don’t know? The answer to those questions is something that you need to meditate.


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