Buffing it Up: A Trip to Visit a Herd of Working Girls + 1 Stud.

A few days ago, I wasn't planning on getting this close to a herd of Water Buffalo.

However, I often never know where my decisions are going to lead me, exactly...

So, when I decided to participate in an up-coming Steemit Culinary Challenge, I also made a decision to visit a working Water Buffalo farm, right on its heels. 

The farm is located just outside of Stirling, Ontario Canada and is owned and operated by Lori Smith and Martin Littkemann. It's home to 350 head of Water Buffaloes and is called the Ontario Water Buffalo Company.

My motivation for the trip was to buy fresh ingredients for the up-coming Challenge.

The theme announced was Mediterranean appetizers. This could include any recipes inspired by Italian, Spanish or Greek traditional cuisine. An additional requirement was that the entry must be able to be eaten cleanly, with your hands. 

It had to be considered "finger-food".

(In my books, that meant that I had decided to make hors d'oeuvres.)

Naturally, as a direct result, I needed to make a trip to the Ontario Water Buffalo Company's farm headquarters. 

You see, some of the best Italian cheeses are made with Water Buffalo milk. Both of which are sold in the company's "Buff Stuff Store" located just beside the barn and farm land which comprise 450 acres in total.

I think that great cheese makes for great appetizers, that can be easily handled.

You can buy Water Buffalo milk pasteurized or unpasteurized as this process is not required in Ontario. This is because there aren't that many herds or producers in the province or, country for that matter.

The Water Buffalo's milk is different from cow's or goat's milk because it contains more fat.

As a result it makes wonderful cheeses and ice cream.

 Some of the best Italian-inspired cured meat also comes from Water Buffalo.

The meat is high in iron and protein.

Without further ado, please grab your rubber boots and don your barn coat, because we're going to the farm to see all the girls at work!

(I may be the only girl who actually uses her Hunter boots for their intended purpose.)

Don't cringe, they do no good sitting in the closet. To the barnyard we go!

Water Buffalo, grow really big.

Their average weight is 1300 lbs.

They are exceptionally curious.


They never want to be left out of what's going on.

They have the disposition of a beloved family dog and are very friendly and affectionate.  

They have great heads of hair which really add to their individual personalities.

"Make sure to get my best side, please."

This girl's name is "Olive". She has the most amazing "blue" eyes. (Not to worry, she can see just fine.)

It is "Spring" and calving has begun. The gestation period for a Water Buffalo is 10 months and 10 days.

The calves are 80 to 100 lbs, when they are born. Let's go to the nursery!

This is "Link". He's exactly 7 days old today. His daddy is "Lincoln" and he is the only mature stud in the herd.

This is "Asiago". She's the only cream coloured calf, this year, so far.

She is really cute and was also really nervous.

All of these calves were just born in the last 2 weeks. It's been extra busy lately.

Notice the different style of horns between these buffalo. They represent 2 different breeds.

It is customary to de-horn the female Water Buffalo to protect them from each other. There is a "peaking order" among them.

Sometimes, horns go missing...


and there's always lots of saliva...

and tongue...

I named this girl "Gene" because she reminds me of Gene Simmons. Long tongue and black hair.

What else can I say? (Other than, this photo makes me laugh every time I see it.)

This beautiful Water Buffalo horn was carved in Thailand.

Thanks for taking a closer look at Water Buffaloes with me!

I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my Journey.

(This is Yvette and I at a Water Buffalo festival, 2 years ago. Yvette was 10 and we were having quite the conversation.)

Yeah, I have a thing for Water Buffaloes, too. Just add it to my ever growing list. :D

~ Rebecca Ryan

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