The golden cat


The golden cat (Pardofelis temminckii) is a mysterious and mythical cat from the wilderness of Sumatra forest. Mysterious, because the golden cat is very difficult to find in its natural habitat. The pattern of his life is not well known compared to other types of Indonesian forest cats. This mysterious golden cat is a rare animal rescued by local people. Many myths are circulating among the local community about this golden cat, such as a magical beast, a part of his body that can be used as a talisman, to be an antidote to teluh (witchcraft). Myths concerning this golden cat actually makes this forest cat increasingly rare.


The mysterious myth of a golden cat that has various mystical properties is actually far less reasonable. Unfortunately there are also various circles who believe. Unfortunately, due to this myth even this golden cat preservation in the wild increasingly threatened.


It is said that in Sumatra the golden cat is one of the animals that is sacred and is considered to have a tuah. Parts of his body made amulets and antidote reinforcements (accidents) such as fur of his mustache and claw nails are believed to ward off the teluh or witchcraft. The flesh, which can make the body of the person who eats it becomes immune to sharp objects, capable of having the movement of a golden cat, and not easily visible to the eyes of normal people.

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