French Bulldogs A closer Look 04/02/2018

Arent they cute ? Did you know that the French Bulldog was named the favourite breed of dog back in 2017 and while its great to see what used to be considered such a ugly dog to now being a big favourite in many of our homes.

But however I am here to tell you that actually this fact doesn't mean any good news as unfortunately experts say that the rise in its popularity is now fuelling a surge in a number of unhealthy brachycephalic (flat-faced) dogs being bred.

So yes the French Bulldog's are only just SOME of many brachycephalic (flat-faced) dogs such as pugs and English Bulldogs that are left in now the many charity’s due to being either in ill health or being bred to sell..

What some of these idiotic breeders are doing is giving people their (designer dogs) but over time French Bulldogs and etc have been bred for their skull's to become even flatter.
And what these fools have done in the process of getting this (designer look) is made these poor dogs have their internal air passages ways became squashed or even twisted.

Which this is of course resulting in these particular breads of dog's having themselves a lifetime with all sorts of breathing difficulties.

And yes it happens from the beginning starting from a very young age they’re struggling to get enough air into their lungs with every breath.

And so now there is an all time high figure that 90% of French Bulldogs are being unable to breathe properly and this even makes simple things like sleeping difficult for them.

But here is what many buyers and pet owners are getting wrong if you see any snuffling, snorting and snoring these kind of things are often seen by most people as just funny or part of their particular (bread's) cute quirky personality but experts are saying they’re actually a clinical sign that something could be very wrong.

These kind of breathing problems will obviously and inevitably mean the owners should and will need to take their pets to the vet.
And with this particular way of breading, shortening the skull you could be looking at going possibly even multiple times throughout their lives to the vet.

For now a large number of these dog bread's the only one way for them to improve their life is going through surgery to widen their nostrils.
Of course depending on what surgery is needed, and where in their airway's the work needs to be done, the price will vary.

And now you probably wont be surprised with what I am going to tell you next, yup be prepared you could be spending hundreds on treatments, oh and even the insurance costs can be higher!

Not only that but French Bulldogs are also sustainable to many other health problems throughout their lives including eye problems, skin diseases, neurological and dental problems, remember these little cuties are now more then ever having their eyes exposed which are unfortunately prone to injury.

And here is why this is worrying figures are showing that shelters are receiving more than five times as many brachycephalic breeds in 2017 compared to any other previous year as I said the French Bulldog was named favourite breed of dog back in 2017, coincidence?

Its getting to the point that the advise being given to people is simply don't buy into the lovable French Bulldogs as in doing so you are only fuelling the demand and encouraging even more breeders to keep breeding these short skull type of unhealthy dogs.

If you dont know already puppy smuggling is a highly organised criminal activity and now these criminals know that people are being told to check if the puppies are still with their mother's so what have they done to combat this or should I say fool the buyers?

Yup they put a pretend mum in with the puppies if the puppy and mom don’t interact there’s now a high chance they’re not related, and this means that the puppies have a high chance of its real parents not being health-tested.

If you ever do go to buy one of these babies then remember...
I mentioned above to see if the mother and pup interact with each other but there is something else you can do to really light a fire under the criminals.

Here is what you do as the prospective pet owner's you can obtain a free to download Puppy Contract, and this my Steemian's acts like a contract for the sale in which the breeder should have no problem signing of course, but if not and they seem reluctant to sign well that should start to ring some alarm bells I hope, so beware out there.


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