Pet Cougar In Apartment 24/2/2018

Many times I have dreamed of having the pleasure of looking after a much more dangerous type of animal then say your typical kitty, I mean wouldn't it be awesome to have a pet Panther or Lion?
Yes I realise I would be walking dinner to them but if they didn't see me as their potential next dish for the day it would be pretty amazing to look after such a big cat.

Well one couple living in Russia, Penza are brave enough to have a Cougar in their very own living apartment, yes apartment just like if it was any other little pet kitty.

Meet Messi the adorable pet cougar.

Messi Is Sooooooo Cute!

So it was around a year and a half ago now that Alexandra and Maria decided they would adopt a Cougar!
Messi is now two and half years old but obviously being a pet Cougar he isn't just your typical one.
Poor Messi as some health issues and that is infact why Messi is smaller then your average Cougar not because of the young age he should be bigger by now, infact he is about half the size of a normal Cougar.

But boy does he have a cute unique personality he is obviously very kind and loves to have human contact I guess you could say hes almost like a regular kitty who wants to be petted and he generally gets on very well with people as you can imagine.

Messi eats 2 times a day, one meal in the morning and one meal at night the couple prepare different meat dishes to feed their pet Cougar so that he doesn't ever get bored, Messi eats around 1.5 kg of the meat mixture and this costs the couple around 500 Russian Rubles per day which is just under $9.

Messi was actually adopted from a petting Zoo both Alexandra and Maria went to the Zoo on that day and Maria said she feels the first time they saw Messi they both had the same feelings towards him.
She described an excited yet tenderness bound with the animal she even admits she cant really find words to describe the feelings the couple and Messi were having.

But one big worry was that they already had another pet, a sphynx cat in their apartment but apparently Messi and their previous pet Kitty fit in right well together.

The couple admit they cant find words to describe how much Messi means to them, except that they love him very much, they say its the same feeling when you love someone, "sometimes you cant find the right words but you still love them for being them" and they say they love Messi because he is Messi.


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