Home rabbits

Today many breed instead of dogs and cats very small, but very lovely pets - dwarf rabbits.

With them you do not need to walk every day, they do not ruin the furniture :-), there is no noise from them, and your neighbors will not knock on the wall, so that you calm your dog.


These tiny, lovely pet pets do not grow very much, they remain the same small all their life. They live 4-5 years, and the record holders have lived 10 years. Of course, life expectancy often depends on care and caring.

Dwarf rabbits were bred in France back in 1919.

For their unusual and valuable fur they were given a sonorous name - "castor rex" (king of beavers). Similarity with the beaver really is, and the title of the king he received for the quality of the skin, which is very similar to the fur coat of a chinchilla.

But I'm more impressed by the breed called "the lion's head." Rabbits of this breed got their name due to their appearance, their head really looks a bit like a lion's head.

Like all rabbits, these animals love fresh weed. They love both burdock and plantain, they are always ready to eat both dandelions, and a juicy apple, and if you find mouse peas they will be extremely pleased.

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