Visiting fur seals

Just recently went to the fascinating show of fur seals. I wanted to go to the pinniped show for a long time, so I got out. Seals even have their own special "checkpoint", no one will pass by such a walrus without a ticket.

However, the show lasts only 15 minutes. After all, seals are tired too, they should give 3-4 presentations a day. And the weather was sunny, the water quickly heated up, and it was very hot.

Around a lot of greenery and ornamental plants.

Floating fur seals very quickly, it seems to fly, flapping large front flippers like wings. And in case of danger, they can reach speeds of up to 15 km / h, with the rear fins being used as a rudder and a rocker. Watch them a pleasure!

In the performance took part Vasilisa - the one that is smaller, and Kuzya, an active and energetic male, who occasionally asked the audience to applaud him. All reacted noisily and it was fun. And after a while Kuzya even drew a portrait of his most active viewer, with watercolors.

Seals have very good eyesight, they spend part of their life on land, and some in the water and even under water. They have a keen ear and a good sense of smell. And they also have special sensitive hairs, which are called vibrissae. Vibrissae are located in seals all over the body, but most of them are on the muzzle. I would have thought that these are simple antennae, and these were vibrissae.

Both Vasilisa and Kuzya showed various fascinating tricks, and fished rings, and jumped through hoops, and fought pollution (they took plastic bottles and foreign objects from the pool). But most of all I liked the musical part, when Kuzya started singing, I almost fell off my chair, it was unexpected.

I found a video of the pinniped show on the Internet:

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