Baby Ducks Don’t Belong in a Hamster cage. How I Unwillingly Adopted a Couple of Ducklings. Respecting All Life On This Planet; Even against my will.

I’m rather pissed at those who made this situation but curse my respect for all animals, even the ones that don’t’ show affection to humans”

I’m not completely certain I am the only one caring for these ducklings BUT I am well aware that every time I passed by them I was always refilling their empty water and food. They have a bag a cornmeal beside the cage and well, I have started bringing water with me.

They love when I drizzle water through the cage bars into their dish. They’re literally so thirsty for water and attention they go nuts as soon as they recognize my voice.

I don’t know whose ducks they are after 3-4 weeks of taking care. I have gotten hints from the security guards doing rounds. They live 4th floor same buildings as me. Well GD! I am 4th floor of the same building. Well, sonfoa I live on the fourth floor. I remember one night I came home and they were on the shared balcony chirping away. The next morning they were gone, they got moved to the outside by the car park. WTF!

I even clean their cage and for all intensive purposes took complete responsibility for their well being. Shame on the heartless jerks that took them in and refused to take care. I am waiting for the day I bump into them so I can *verbally kick their ass.

Very adventurist if I'm not trying to hold them.

Ducklings are easy to get, not easy to keep. They would have died if I wasn’t watering them or at least they would not be so well off. Maybe not… I think the actual owners know I am taking care and decided to be twats and let me do their job. Classic!

I will go to Canada for 4-6 weeks this summer and who will do this duty when I’m gone. I worry, I already have 2 house cats to worry about when I am gone and the person I thought would help is not available now.

Till then I do enjoy these ducklings. I can hear them chirping when I get close and somehow the alley cats have kept distant enough to not knock the cage lose and eat them though I have seen them stalking the area as usual.. No foxes here!

This is China. Wild West of the East. In many ways.

I do visit them after sunset, to make sure they have water and something to eat. I might add the night shots but I'm no so good at dark light photography.

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