E.J. Goes to the Beach

A while back we took in a dog from a nearby shelter who had grown up unsocialized and, for all intents and purposes, feral. He couldn't be handled at the shelter and had to be sedated for transport to our rescue. He's a large dog, capable of being scary if he turned out to be aggressive. Fortunately for all involved, he turned out to be one of the sweetest dogs in our pack.

His size and appearance present challenges for him regardless of disposition. He looks like a mean dog. He isn't. But he is easily frightened, meaning that he'll be more work for an adopter as they continue his socialization. So we took advantage of an opportunity to give him an experience many dogs never have. We took him to the beach! He spent an afternoon in the sand and surf playing with other dogs and babies, lounging in the sun and meeting new people. North Myrtle Beach was a great playground for him, and provided several chances for him to interact. He did great! We got his adventures on video, so sit back and enjoy watching him come out of his shell.

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