Papa-pepper, the inspiration! @papa-pepper

Welp, many of you know @papa-pepper and have grown to love him as I have.

He is helping me with my pets food source at the moment, and I am so happy to have made a friend. Someone who cares, who selflessly gives of them from their time bank and resources.

He heard my cry for help and delivered and that speaks to me leaps and bounds of their character! I hope I meet you one day my friend, your kindness warms my heart!

He has helped me get an indoor garden started by sending me peppers, and an array of seeds!

Now, he is sending me mealworms for my spiders which I will breed to keep food for my spiders, as well as a good food source for myself. (High protein, and no I am not kidding)

I am honored to be a part of this community, and honored to have people who care about my, and my pets!

So without further delay, here is a few pictures I posted for @steemitqa when we were just talking about the spiders.

This one is Bob:

This one is Marley:

Bob is a little lighter in color with more brown, and Marley has blacker legs, but a lighter center. They are both male "Brown Tranchulas" and are not harmful to humans. They eat anything from insects, to small animals but have yet to bite me. Although, in their current state, I have noticed when holding them they tend to be attracted to small movements of my fingers. Although, I am not one to let them get close, and have even started keeping cloth in between myself and them. Maybe after they aren't so hungry I will hold them bare skinned again, but for now I can tell they are hungry.

As I do remember someone telling me they bite:

As Papa-pepper has inspired me to take good care of the things around me, start a garden, and now to start a meal worm farm. I am blessed by the friendship and help I have received.

May this new year be a great one for all of us, as I feel steemians like ourselves will always be making the internet, and the world. A much much, better place!

Thanks for reading my friends, have an awesome day and a Happy New Year!

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