*Akatsuki is my favourite character from Log Horizon Anime. Log Horizon (ログ・ホライズン) is a Japanese Anime written by Mamare Touno and illustrated by Kazuhiro Hara. Released in 2013 and a second season aired between in 2014. The series follows the strategist, Shiroe, and the other players of the long-lived MMORPG Elder Tales after they find themselves whisked away into the game world following a game update. Akatsuki is Shiroe's Shinobi. She is a person who tend to keep all her thoughts by herself and a little bit naive.*
Akatsuki adalah karakter favorit saya di Anime Log Horizon. Cerita Log Horizon berawal pada hari kehancuran, yaitu hari dimana para gamers MMORPG Elder Tales secara misterius tertransportasi ke dunia game, setelah game ini melakukan upgrade. Tokoh utama game ini adalah Shiroe si ahli strategi, sedangkan Akatsuki adalah Shinobinya. Akatsuki merupakan karakter yang jarang berbicara dan suka menyimpan isi pikirannya, dia lebih suka berbuat daripada berbicara.
I always start my drawing from the eyes, and then the face and finally the hair. After I am drawing hair next would the the body and so forth.
Saya selalu memulai gambar saya dari mata, wajah dan rambut, karena kalau bagian ini udah beres yang lainnya tinggal ngikut.
I don't know where is my ruler, so I use anything that I found for making straight lines and measuring. I find this thing under my bed.
Now I am finished with sketching. Next as I use thin lines I need to make it bold.
I used Faber Castle marking pen for line bolding. Next let's coloring our drawing. As always I start from the eyes. I use blue pen for the upper part, and blue pencil color for the bottom.
To make shadows effect I use black colour before any other colors.
For the hair I am using dark blue for the dark part (because of the umbrella shadow), and sky blue for the rest of the hair.
Finished! Yey, It take me hours to finish only one drawing... I know, I know, I am suck at it, but I just love drawing, and when drawing I don't have any special technique as I never have any drawing class. I am drawing only using my sense. I guess that's why I need more time than any other people. I hope at least you could enjoy my drawing.
And Oh, the frog seems wanna give Akatsuki a special suggestion, check it out 😆