Meet the first Steem Super Hero: CURATOR.

Hi friends! I want you to meet Curator! The first of the team of Steem Super Heroes! He is also the youngest and the kind of guy who makes friends very easily :)

His super power is to curate the awesome publications of minnows... Step 1 of drawing:

He is so generous giving 100% upvotes when he really loves it!

He can also read 20,000 words per minute! That's how he finds great content very quickly. But he is not only fast at reading, he can run with extreme velocity to fight the evil too. (At this point I realize the arms were wrong and fixed them)

He can attack the super villians by using the substance of the posts he curates.

But he also has a normal life, he studies at his city University and has a crush in a girl, oh oh. Will we meet her?
Final drawing

There are other heroes there who want to make the Steemverse a better place, fighting Steemvillians and also trying to live normal lives. Maybe we'll meet them later ;)

If you want to see more drawings and story of these heroes do not hesitate to give me that upvote ;D

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