Be Brave! Tell your Vaccine-Injury Story

Why do so many still believe that vaccine injuries are rare? Supposedly one-in-a-million?

It’s because families of the injured, and the injured themselves, have been bullied into silence. I HATE BULLYING! I will fight tooth and nail with a bully! Don't let them silence you anymore.

When you take the time (and are brave enough) to talk to the people in your life and new people that you meet about their views on vaccines, you will probably find as I have that there are many, many people around you that have had a bad experience with vaccines. They are everywhere! But most of them will stay quiet unless you ask and unless they feel safe enough to tell you their sad story. These people have been scorned and told that they are lying or that they are anti-science or that they are one-in-a-million and should not make other people question vaccine safety by sharing their stories.

Please watch Del Bigtree’s magnificent speech called “BE BRAVE” given at the 2nd Annual Health Freedom Rally. I felt like yelling and jumping up and down with the crowd. I am so thankful that we have a hero now like Del Bigtree to help bring people out of their slumber and to wake up the world to what has really been happening … and to STOP THE BULLYING now! Be Brave people!

Del Bigtree is the Director of the most talked about documentary in the world right now, “VAXXED: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe”

In a future post, I will review VAXXED. It has finally become available to Stream online in the USA and Canada.

I want to share just my most recent example of how vaccine injury is everywhere.
I was at a ladies retreat and was having what I thought was a private conversation with a friend who has the same views of vaccines that I do. Another lady that I didn't really know, overheard us and walked up and said, "THEY CAN'T TELL YOU THAT THE VACCINES DIDN'T CAUSE YOUR CHILD'S AUTISM WHEN YOU SAW IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES!" Then she proceeded to tell us how she is bothered that this issue has become so polarized and people are so mean when you share what really happened to you and that you do not want to further vaccinate your children. Now this was just 3 months ago. Stuff like this happens to me frequently. The people are everywhere with their vaccine injury stories. We can't pretend it doesn't happen and that we should keep sacrificing the few for the many. No parent wants to sacrifice their own child for the supposed "Greater Good." I'm not going to light my child on fire to keep your's warm.

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