"George Soros, Wo bleibt mein geld?"
When you work for Soros, who aided the original Nazis...
Who now is Supposed to pay you for claiming Others are Nazis As You Literally Yell Vitriol and Hate. . .but accuse the other Side of. . .What YOU are doing.
Then Soros doesn't pay up...YIKES!
Maybe you should rethink Who you decided to Hate with!
We still have more room...just stop yelling and Walk Away!
Promises made, Promises Kept more coming your way on the side of clarity. Common sense is back in style and has become much preferred to Antifa's chaotic antics!
Here is a video of them Now chanting for Soros to Pay Up! Happened last year, but shows exactly who and what people are dealing with when you make a deal with the devil in the human form of Soros!
These NGO's are notorious for funding through "globalist philanthropists" their chaos and riots to further their agenda. Many aide them in pretending that it isn't true.
There are theories this was done to mock or in jest. There is a twitter parody account that put this video up, but the video was found on other sites known to be Trump supporters (Some suspended an not back), so it is suspect that people try to discount the fact that whether a group took the time to mock antifa or the footage is indeed genuine. . .either way it is the Truth that evidence abounds Soros under the guise of Many Action and Progressive names, funds these groups. Ads have been placed in various papers and many internet sites proving this.