To one and all out there.

The profiles @anzac and @anzacs are two names that resonate with Australians and New Zealanders.
We consider them to be nothing less than sacred to our two great nation's ways of life. As such they have been registered so as to ensure that they stay safe for as long as Steemit exists.

When and if there are any posts published using these profiles they will be for the purpose of showing the utmost of respect towards the men and women who served our great nations. These profiles will never be used for "making money," however, due to the fact that funds can be raised on posts, all profits will be forwarded to @teamaustralia 's charity fundraising campaigns.
Note: Profit = all funds raised after the initial opening fees + delegations are covered. 0,500 Steem & 65,000 Vests per profile. In the event that @teamaustralia changes any of its activities by which their fundraising efforts are no longer active, all profits shall go towards a charity cause in Australia or New Zealand.
These accounts were opened up by @jackmiller, born and raised in Australia.
I served proudly and have taken these actions on my own with full responsibility to ensure that I do my country and countrymen proud.As an Australian Soldier and as the youngest soldier in my Company, I had the privilege of participating in the laying of the wreath for the Dawn Service on ANZAC Day. As God and all of you are my witnesses, I do swear here and now, as I did when I joined up, that I, Jack Miller, shall to the end of my life or to the end of the existence of do everything that is within my power to ensure that these two profiles remain here as an online memorial to all the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice, so that we may live as free people. @jackmiller
God Bless Australia.
God Bless New Zealand.LEST WE FORGET.