Fuck Easter And Fuck You !

Yes you read that right .. Fuck Easter.. Fuck the Easter Bunny & Fuck You !



Before you get all bent out of shape and start smashing the flag Button


In all seriousness I hope you all had a wonderful Easter morning.

Today ( 2018 / 04 / 01 ) is not only Easter but it's also April Fools Day. This is not something that happens often. In fact the last time the two landed on the same day was 1956. But if you missed out on all the fun Easter pranks, not too worry. The next time April Fools and Easter land on the same day will be in 2029. So you have lots of time to think up an amazing prank.

Here I will even give you some Ideas you can use in 2029 :

  • If you have kids, tell them to find the Easter Eggs. The Prank --- You didn't hide any.

  • If your family decorates eggs for Easter : take an uncooked one and decorate it. Wait until the next morning and watch as someone gets yoked.

  • Instead of putting chocolate eggs in those empty plastic Easter eggs, Place some broccoli in them.

  • Leave some empty chocolate wrappers around and when your kids get up for Easter. Tell them you ate all their candy.

Well that should get you started. After-all you have 11 more years to think up something. Did you prank someone this Easter ? Tell us all about it in the comment section.


Click here to visit my other Easter topic - Never Buy Weed From The Easter Bunny !

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