Archdruid Gaming Contest | Gaming Decades: The 70's - Total Prize Pool: 35 STEEMs!!!

Hi everyone!

Recently, @archdruid has acquired two new curators, @veryspider (me, a spider) and @elfranz (my partner in crime, a dragon), so we're like a zoo now :D...... uh, what I meant to say was:

"Nice to meet you all o/ !!!"

A bit of introduction from each of us:

  • @veryspider - I'm mostly a PC gamer, these days. Don't hold that against me, please :3 I have been a gamer since I was a very young spider, mostly on the Nintendo system, but I graduated through to PlayStation and XBOX consoles later on. The last game that I played was DIABLO 3.

  • @elfranz - BEHOL... oh the mic is off BEHOLD!!! The great gaming dragon!!! I've been hoarding games in my heart and shelves... ok hard-drive for decades, PC games, Console games, Tabletop games, Card games, even rock-paper-scissors, you name it... yeah tag too... and hide and seek... WE'RE GETTING OUT OF TRACK! I don't remember the first game that I played but right now I'm replaying Pillars of Eternity cuz is lit and RPG is the best genre FIGHT ME!

Alright! Now that's out of the way, both I and elf thought that (as new Oracles to @archdruid), we need to get to know our audience (that is you, gaming enthusiasts of Steemit!) and we both agreed that contests are exciting and provide wonderful ways to get to know people :)

So, let's jump into ~

@archdruid's first contest for 2019 !!!

We are one year away from wrapping up a decade, this year, and so I and elf thought that we should look back in time to remember and appreciate our gaming journey :D and so, we chose the theme for @archdruid's contests for 2019 is ...


For the first round, we are going right back to the 1970s, when gaming was still a brave new frontier for most!

FIRST ROUND: The 1970s

  1. You are to create a post about a game from the 1970s :D
    If you weren't alive yet (like me and elf), this is a perfect opportunity to do some research and maybe discover a classic title that you have always been curious about.
  2. The post does not need to be about a game review or a video of actual gameplay!
    You can do fanart, or fanfic, or commentary piece about a game's soundtrack, or a cosplay of a character from a game that was released in the 1970s, or photography post with your collection of oldie-but-goodie games, ... you get the idea, right? ANYTHING GOES AS LONG AS THE POST HAS A RELATION TO A GAME RELEASED SOMEWHERE IN THE 1970s! We are opening up the playfield and we welcome Steemians of various genres to come and join the @archdruid's love for gaming!
  3. If you do submit a post, please resteem this post :) Upvotes are not required but appreciated <3
  4. Please tag your post with #archdruid-contest if you are entering the contest :D
  5. Deadline is Monday 21th of April to give everyone a fair chance of pumping the nostagia and old-school vibes! Here's a countdown if you need that!
  6. Judging for this round is @veryspider and @elfranz!
    But in the future, we will welcome guest judges so if you are interested to help this community out as a judge, let us know :D In return, we will splash you with a short feature in the contest's publication to highlight who you are as a gamer and bringing exposure to you which may invite new follows to your page :D :D :D

What were the seventies like for gaming???

Here are a few examples of how gaming was that might inspire you but you can do whatever you want :D


Home gaming has never been the same since...!


The board game !!! :D

Dungeons & Dragons

The father of modern tabletop RPG's


Arcade gaming was coming into its own form * __ *

Microsoft Flight Simulator

The beginning of PC simulation


Alright, now that HYPE has been stoked, let's get to the juiciest bits :D

  1. First Prize: 15 STEEMs
  2. Runner Up: 10 STEEMs
  3. Honorable Mentions (x5): 2 STEEMs (each)

Total Prize Pool: 35 STEEMs

The prizes will come out of mine and elf's own pockets because we are passionate about this so, we hope you will really consider joining up and sharing our love for gaming because, you see, gaming is more than just a 'silly and childish' hobby for us, it is a brand new frontier that is coming into its own form and respectability, and we hope to meet others who also want to contribute making #gaming a thriving and fun community in Steemit :D


@geekgirl and @gibic has each donated 10 STEEMs to the prize pool, raising the total to 35 Steems! So check out the new prize divisions !!!!! EXCITEMENTO~

Any questions? Please let us know in the comments below :)

Hope to see a lot of posts and entries!


Good luck! Have fun!

Signing off,
@veryspider & @elfranz

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