Emotional cocktail in multiplayer games

Multiplayer games are evil. Mainly the team ones. If you've ever played any of them, you won't be surprised that the biggest cocktail of emotions mixes in them. It's a pity that the negative ones prevail. But that's not a fault of the game. The community is guilty. Its toxicity is the main reason why I uninstalled some games.


Why do you play (multiplayer) games?

I have games connected with fun, and so I just want to have fun playing them. But this fun (playing multiplayer games) is sometimes spoiled by all players who play just to be able to measure their dicks with others and to prove they are the best. And when someone ruins something, because everybody does (including those perfect ones), they will never forget to eat him alive. I'm supposed to marry one of them.

Although I mostly play with him, so his toxicity is not aimed at me, sometimes I just want to punch him when he begins to teach me after my death what I've done badly as if he were the smartest of all, and stood in my place. But he didn't know at all what was happening at the moment. And he's trying to teach even his friend who is playing Overwatch much longer than he is. Yeah, time doesn't mean anything, but this guy is quite skilled. So sometimes we argue on Discord. Who would like some learning lessons?


His friend even had the first MVP I ever saw in this game.

So team multiplayer games like Overwatch, LoL, and similar I never wanted to play. Why? Because I have always watched my fiancé playing them and how he was transforming into a rage monster because of them, yelling at the teammates and throwing the controller or the mouse towards the wall. I knew he wouldn't be the only one, and if I played the game and somebody would behave similarly on my account, I would hit the uninstall button, throw the computer out of the window. And a grenade would follow. That ubiquitous toxicity can spoil me the whole game. I take everything very personally. But despite that I started to play some of these games.

League of Legends

I never wanted to play LoL because of the reason I mentioned above, but we were at a time when my boyfriend didn't have a good computer, and the only games he could run on it were WoW, and LoL. So the choice of the games we could play together was quite limited. So I had to install LoL. I played about ten games and uninstalled it. Why?

I was a newbie, so Garen was recommended to me as a character. My boyfriend said that is newbie-friendly. So Garen was my main. But I wasn't enjoying the game itself. I kept listening to my boyfriend's instructions like, "Don't go there! Not yet! Wait!" and most of the game we didn't play at all. We were just waiting for some unique opportunity that didn't come. It was boring, but the reason for uninstalling was different.

One evening my bf was in training, and I played LoL alone. I'm was playing Garen again. In one game I had the best score of all, and I was very happy about it like any noob who did something awesome. I didn't forget to take a screenshot of the final table, but in the next game, everything changed.

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I even found the screen, but when I look back at it, it is not that awesome. But I was proud of myself.

Shortly before the end of the game (we won), the "report Garen" message appeared in the chat. I looked into the table. I was the best again, so what the fuck? Are you kidding me? Whatever you do, you just deserves a report, because this evil game has the worst community at all? I won't play such a game. Never ever. I'm not going to let some idiot on the other end of the world who was sleeping poorly spoil me the whole day. Really not. And so I uninstalled League of Legends. So I'm sorry Archdruid Gaming Community, I won't join your LoL team :D


Overwatch, however, had much better luck than LoL. No toxic player, even if the game is full of them, hasn't forced me to uninstall the game, and I have to say that I really enjoy playing it. Don't ask me why. Maybe because of its fun and insane characters? Maybe because of the surprise that comes from the loot boxes? Maybe because of the feeling that you will experience after every hard-earned win? I really don't know! But it's not a day when I haven't played Overwatch for a while at least.

The beginnings were hard. There is no need to lie. I really hated shooters because I sucked at them. But I always enjoyed watching my boyfriend playing Overwatch on PS4. Also, his eternal rage and uninstalls. He is the best player in the world, you know. And the others suck. Do you have any such friend or family member?

I refused to play the game on PS4 because I'm not a friend with a controller. We don't understand each other. RPGs with the controller are OK, adventure games too, but shooters? I have absolutely no sense while using the controller so that I would be useless. So my only experience with the game was when he had to go somewhere in the middle of the game and give me the controller. But then he got a new computer, and a lot more gaming options opened.

Overwatch was just at a discount, and I didn't hesitate to buy it. I can do something with the mouse. I have much more sense in it than on a joystick. And so Jana found her way to Overwatch.

From watching my boyfriend's gaming sessions, I have already known the strategies of each mode, and so I just had to choose a character. Sure I ended up with the support ones because I didn't want to play tanks and I would be bad damage (except Torbjörn, Symmetra or Bastion). I didn't even know how to play supports at all. As such a Mercy I haven't discovered the magic of holding the space bar in the air until recently o_o But shh, you didn't read that.

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The best one or when the team cooperates.

Because I was such a noob, I was pleased with every card and like at the end of the game and such a POTG? Oh yeah, I've never felt a better feeling. There is so little of my POTGs that I'm very happy about every few seconds of fame. I won't say that they are epic. Such a Torbjörn's POTGs are really bad, but sometimes they are OK. Each one of them I have saved, and to this day I have only about 14 of them. 14 POTGs after about 90 hours. It's not much, but everything counts.

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And sometimes you just laugh.

But the best thing is when you have with whom to play the game so you can laugh at it with your friends. Usually, we play in a trio (I, my fiance and his friend) or even in the quartet (the trio + friend of that friend). That two friends already have a lot more hours at Overwatch than we do, so even their gaming looks like it, so we had a hilarious evening, a day before yesterday, laughing at how one of them had 9 out of 10 POTGs. It was a bit embarrassing :D

Generally playing with friends is much better than playing with strangers:

  1. You are certain that at least someone in the team will do what he has to do.
  2. You can communicate on Discord (no language barrier, etc.).
  3. You will laugh and be furious together.

In addition to the good moments when you are honored at the end of the game at least, you will find the bad ones. The worst is when a person loses more matches in a row because the team doesn't cooperate at all, and individual members don't fulfill the functions of their characters. Overwatch is a team game a lot and individual can't carry the whole team alone.

When I meet a bunch of suckers in a row, blood is boiling in me, and I would rather send my teammates to the most vulgar places I imagine. I'm a bit like my fiancé in this. But I won't make a mess in chat. I take a deep breath and let it go. At times, however, the toxicity goes beyond all the limits, and I have to turn off the game.

One reason may be that no one really pics a healer or a tank. That may also be why I'm so bad as a damage dealer (except for Torbjörn and Symmetra because turrets are shooting instead of me). Most of the time I have to play a heal or a tank because no one else will do it. And you'll start to be upset.

As a healer, in most games, I feel very underrated. Everyone is spamming "I need healing," but only a few people thank you if you help them. So it's such a nice gesture for you when someone finally thanks you for ress or healing him from critical to full health. I would like to heal them a lot, but I just want to feel honored. And because I know it well enough from healer's side, I'm trying to thank every healer for his help. It's pretty easy in Overwatch. Just pressing C and choosing Thank you can't hurt anybody.

From tanks, I like playing Orisa a lot, but without a healer, I'm totally useless. My robot's ass is terribly heavy, so I get a terrible rape from every DD that comes to my back, and I don't have a chance to run or go for a first-aid kit. She is so slow. Nobody picks a healer? OK. Torbjörn, ready to throw troll!

I don't meet toxic people often. There were about two who was yelling at me. One made me angry and the other one? I showed them how to play.

As I once mentioned, I'm bad in the shooters, so I played just healers in the beginning. My main was Zenyatta. I played him all over again and once when we played again in a trio, the rest of the team decided to try Competitive. I didn't want to, because competitive have the worst community. But what should I do? I was in the minority. So I was hoping I could take Zenyatta. But two people picked healers in an instant. What am I supposed to do then? So I asked Lucio to switch to someone else. He did it, but I probably shouldn't mention that I can't play any other character because he said, "So why are you playing ranked?" I was triggered: "If you don't see it, I'm in the f*** premade you f***ing imbecile. I have level 10, I'm not a smurf, and I didn't want to play ranked at all!" I didn't write it. This was happening in my mind. I took a deep breath and ignored his message.

We lost the game, and all I earned in the chat was just "F**k you, Zenyatta." OK bro. Kiss my ass. Just another homo toxicus.

Later, however, I started to play Lucio in competitive and occasionally I played it alone. It had often happened to me that when we played in a trio, we lost while playing alone I won. So in one of the games, I picked Lucio and started playing. Oh yeah. But I lost my internet connection, and it started to be more stable on about the third attempt.

Meanwhile, we lost the first round, and while waiting for the next one, a message in the chat appeared: "If we lose, report pipiczech." Of course, I answered that I had problems with the Internet, which triggered another toxic debate because nobody doesn't care about your unintentional leave. Leave is leave and it doesn't matter if you come back. Only one guy was on my side. But I was back, so I was playing and guess what happened.

Sure we won! I was happy, and I wanted to troll them a bit, so I wrote "Still report? :D" But the fact that I came back and we suddenly won, so it was only thanks to me, you know, was not enough to get some answer. I've never experienced greater satisfaction, and I thought I was the biggest champion. I'm the best Lucio in the world, you suckers! And I went to open a loot box.

Loot boxes are probably the greatest motivation to play. It's some reward at least. Although they are full of totally useless junk. However, with each yellow object jumping from the box you'll be so excited that you'll be jumping to the ceiling. Finally, the legendary skin on your main, you said! But no, it is the legendary skin on Doomfist, whom you go to kill in Mystery Heroes immediately because you absolutely don't know how to play him. Or money, because the algorithm hit that one legendary skin you already have. Sometimes, however, you'll smile of happiness, when two legendary skins fall together, even though they are both pretty ugly.

Most of the time, however, only the blue and gray junk that you won't use in your life fall. Deal with it. It's a shame you can't sell them, except for McCree's spray. It's top.


World of Warcraft

And what kind of player I would be if I didn't even mention World of Warcraft. From these three titles, it is the less toxic one. The biggest problem I've ever had was some fully exped asshole who was bullying my low-level character. Every time I ressed, he killed me in one blow. It was so terrible that I even wanted to complain about it in the guild and send someone to deal with him. Otherwise, the game is relatively quiet if you are not in a guild full of some morons.

We played on some Czech free Cata server, and I don't know how, but we got into some prestigious guild. It had one advantage. You could ask for glyphs, gems and other upgrades for your gear for free, but otherwise, the guild was pretty bad.

Once we played the Arenas with my boyfriend. I hate it because I prefer PvE, but we just played it sitting side by side in the living room. Suddenly, he said to me: "Didn't somebody from the guild write you?" I didn't notice anything, because who would read the chat when he doesn't need it at all. I'm a person who is very focused on the game, so I don't watch the chat and other things.

So I scrolled up a little higher, and of course, somebody wrote to me, but because of the indiscriminate way they were dealing with me in the guild (I didn't know about it), I started to argue with them. I simply didn't answer a message from some virgin because I just missed it, and everybody loses their minds. Such a guild is not worth my nerves, and I left it. They ruined me the rest of the day. What if I told them the world is not spinning just around them?

Fortunately, there is a much better atmosphere in the official WoW. However, such an end of the Legion expansion was also pretty bad. It was a vicious circle. You got some gear from RDF, dungeons, mythic dungeons or so and then you get to the point where is no other way to get better gear than to go normal or more difficult raids. But even for normal raids, they wanted some heroic achievement? How am I supposed to get it when I even didn't get to a normal one? WTF? There was absolutely no way to get better gear, which ended my motivation to continue playing. We didn't return to the game until the release of the Battle for Azeroth.


I have never played any expansion since the beginning, so I was quite surprised that everything is so hard to get (e.g., enough azerite power to improve your Heart of Azeroth) and that such raids and mythic+ are missing. I also didn't expect that it would be that hard to find a group on mythic or for just a normal dungeon through the dungeon, finder. Nobody wants to play tanks! It's a disaster because even for a normal dungeon you're waiting an hour or more as a damage dealer. Are you kidding me? And the ilvl for the acceptance for the mythic dungeon group is constantly increasing? Seriously? As a freshly exped character, you won't be able to go some if your guild is not good enough. But ours work quite well. Not like the one on the free server.

But, of course, you won't get any epic item drop while some random player will get two 350 ilvl items he'll sell for a million golds in an auction. How happy I was when I got one such item in heroic. But I had a problem to sell it. Prices have fallen a lot, so I had to throw it into the auction for 100k, and finally, somebody bought it.


AH took a 5k cut? Are you kidding me? But I'm going to have a WoW token soon! I just need 50k more. Oh yeah! The start of expansion has one advantage. You can sell things for much higher value than they actually have. So my Engineering has been exchanged for herbalism, and I'm earning thousands of golds by collecting flowers and mining ores. It pays off!

While on the free server, no player, of the opposite faction, you've ever encountered has forgotten to attack you, there is a much quieter atmosphere, and in most cases, the players respect themselves and don't attack unnecessarily. Yesterday, when we were waiting for some Panda boss to spawn, we had a lot of fun together. I threw a rainbow on an Alliance player (I'm Horde), and he threw a rainbow on another Horde player. Then my Horde colleague started running with the rainbow around the Alliance player, and so I joined him and ran around in the opposite direction as if there were no Battle for Azeroth. It was so nice. Not all Alliance players are bad!


So it was such a cute dot for my cocktail of emotions. What emotions dominate in your gaming sessions? Share it with us in the Emotional Game Moments Contest hosted by Archdruid Gaming Community and don't miss the chance to win some Steem!

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May the seed be with you! :D

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