Handle Archaeological Objects Primitively in Aceh

Mapesa of the role which was staged last few years can be read clearly that Mapesa footing idealist who decide to do with any quest for material gains both for the institution and for personnel involved in it. Until now, Mapesa still looks solely rests on the principle of devotion. Then it is a role he portrayed when the alignment is different from the work force of people who take care of the history and culture only because it is a source of livelihood.

Of the role it also seemed to gaze Mapesa that far into the future. Mapesa convinced restructuring logic is of fundamental importance that must be done in a step towards the future, especially after Aceh suffered major shocks since the end of the decades of the last century until the beginning of this century. The restructuring efforts would lead to so burden and anxiety, but above all you need do is find a starting point where the effort should begin.

"The deceased grave Sitti Ula Syah binti Sultan 'Alaiddin (Al-Qahhar) bin Sultan' Ali Shah Mughayat when sea tides."

Mapesa believes that the starting point of history. Namely, of the history of Aceh Darussalam who inherited the history of the countries in Southeast Asia. But to start from this point was not easy, so additional cause anxiety. Especially, because the history of Aceh are still required to be reconstructed, rewritten and broadcast to the mainland average Aceh that stretches from sea to sea. In this issue alone, Mapesa bear the brunt of an extremely disquieting. Expenses not entirely impartial when compared posture organization is nothing more than a non-governmental organization remote from political circles and power.

Mapesa forced to push yourself to find sources that will enable work history historical reconstruction of Aceh. They are hunted by a sense of responsibility for presenting history as far as possible be a source of lessons for the generations of today and the future. They cannot possibly wait budgeting, "accepted", or any other matters, than those who do not feel the need to bear the burden. Mapesa not possibly hope to bureaucrats Aceh whole power of thought and effort they have devoted to run-dictation dictation from the Indonesian government.

In September 2016 Mapesa has again managed to bring back some evidence of past life. The evidence that has been trapped in a fish pond in the Village area Pande, Kutaraja district, Banda Aceh. Some of them are buried in mud as deep as 1 meter over and in a state of overlapping. The context in which the historical evidence was found showing process that has lasted a very long time, and because it's so long anyway physical evidence was languishing in a forgotten era up to Mapesa come and give space to reveal about himself.

Mapesa work at the site of the historical sites Gampong Pande on Sunday 4 September 2016 and the days of the previous week had appeared the names of three important figures in the history of Aceh Darussalam. Inscriptions carved on the gravestones that have been reorganized by Mapesa notify the presence of such figures in the medieval kingdom of Aceh Darussalam were climbing the stairs to the top of glory. The characters, thus, has returned from the past and come to occupy space in the memory of today's generation.

They are:

First, Almarhumah Sitti Ula Syah (his name means: the first great ladies). She was the daughter of the late Sultan Agung 'Alauddin (Al-Qahhar) bin Sultan' Ali Shah Mughayat. From the name, perhaps, may be considered if he is the eldest daughter of the Sultan 'Alauddin (Al-Qahhar). So far, the epitaph on the headstone is the only source that preach about the existence of a daughter of the Sultan 'Alauddin, and he named Sitti Ula Shah. No source of any previous mention of the existence of this character and name.

1. Almarhumah Sitti Ula Syah binti Sultan 'Alaiddin bin Sultan 'Ali 

أ. 1. الدنيا ساعة
2. هذا القبر
3. السعيدة السعدية
4. المسمية ست أولى
ب.1. شاه
ج. 1. فجعلها طاعة
2. بنت السلطان
3. علاء الدين بن
4. السلطان علي   


A. 1.The world just a moment 2.This is the grave 3.The women were happy again happy 4.named Sitti Ula   B. 1.Shah   C. 1.to do so make it obedient 2.bint Sultan 3.'Alaiddin bin 4.Sultan 'Ali

Second, a cleric who worships more generous, sheikh (teacher) were smart, named Tun Kamil, who died in 930 Hijra (1524 AD), the period of Sultan Agung 'Ali bin Syamsu Mughayat Shah Shah ruled.

And the third is a character with a new job was first found and known in practice. Mentioned in epigraphs that the deceased was Shaykh 'Askar, ie, a cleric who was assigned as an instructor in the army of the (army) Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. He holds Jamaluddin, and died in 951 Hijra (1544 AD).

Mapesa do these activities every Sunday morning. ِِAids and publications visit their activities in the facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/SAHABAT.MAPESA

And also visit the website: www.mapesaaceh.com

These photos taken from sources Mapesa

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