The bullring "Maestranza César Girón" Maracay-Venezuela.

Hello, my Friends! Today I wanna share my entry in a contest organized by @archisteem and @photocircle. A really cool inciative to know more about others places around the world.

My beautiful city, Maracay, located in Aragua state, in Venezuela, has so many interesting places; one of this places is The bullring "Maestranza César Girón"

This place, althougt is really old, it doesn’t seem to look bad or oldie at all. Yeah, it used to be a real bullring but a long time ago it stopped their activities and is closed to the public, I think so, because I haven’t seen it open in recently.

The outside, for me, is really incredible. This bullring was inspired by the one located at Sevilla, called ***“Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza de Caballería de Sevilla.”*** This awesome bullring was inagurated in 1933 by the president Juan Vicente Gomez, who I have to give credit because thanks to him my city went from being a little town without any relevance for my country, and suddenly he decided to transform it in a city and made it the capital of Venezuela for a long time, but that’s another story.

I remember when I was a Little girl and I used to see how big it was this place for me, and how well made were the details in the architecture. I remeber I always asked my mom who was the guy in the statue, and she always explained me with pacience that he was a famous bullfighter, and that’s why the bullring has his name in honor to him, because he was born in Maracay. Now that I’m in my 20’s I know the statue in his honor is called ***“La Girondina”*** He was considered one of the most important bullfighters in 20th century.

Walking around this bullring is relaxing, believe it or not, because it’s a big square too, it has gigantic trees that gives you a peace, and you can actually take a sit and enjoy the view of this magnific building.

I grow up watching this bullring everywhere, althougt I never watched a show, because I don’t really like it, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t appreciate the well made architecture of this building. I could never forget its color and how happy it makes me to see it everytime I pass by this building; I stare as a little child with excitement trying to capture every detail. It’s not enough to look at it just once. It’s a big throwback from the good old days of my city and my country… I hope this building doesn’t get lost in the time.

Hope you like my post and the pictures of this awesome place of my city! Greetings💜


Disclaimer: All the pictures belong to me, I took them with a Samsung camera.

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