The #archisteem Initiative - A Community that Congregates Future Builders

The #archisteem Initiative

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1 What is Archisteem?

Archisteem will be a new tag that is to curate our existing built environment and also future built environment development.

In this 21st century, we are considered lucky to be in this era. Why? As most of us are able to enjoy the accessibility and comfort that the infrastructure, built environment and technology had to bring to us. Imagine that we are living in the 18th century whereby we are depending on a horse carriage, it was very hard for us to travel and not affordable for all. Then, to the industrialization era (early stage) whereby the pollution of that time was insane due to the use of coal to produce energy. Now, we are able to breathe while enjoying the cleaner version of the technology that had evolved through time and effort from our ancestors. Besides, most of us now are able to afford the traveling, owning a decent home (or renting) and possess the certain freedom to enjoy the world. Thus, as a beneficiary of this era, we should share our precious idea, experience, thoughts and a personal contribution that makes the future a better place.

This is an initiative that will be led by 3 architecture practitioners, who are @kimzwarch, @cklai and @funtraveller. We are aiming to make this tag one of the impactful and educative which benefits others and spread the ideology of make our future a better place to live in. We do realize that tag like #architecture and #architecturephotography are widely utilized by the current community. However, most of them are mostly posting images and writings about architectural buildings.

The Difference we want to make is to create an interactive community that not only discusses about the betterment of our future but also transform the idea into real projects. Through #archisteem, we aim to nurture different projects that could physically impact the community, especially the local community.

We welcome all the enthusiasts to use the tag and together we shall make the tag one of the top used tag.

1 What it stands for?

Archisteem aims to achieve these:

  1. To use perceive the built environment around us.
  2. To empower architecture and engineering professionals and amateurs for their works and ideas.
  3. To form a brand that promotes the ideology of making the future a better place.

2 What kind of contents you can use the tag?

a. Real/existing projects



Projects that were built that you admired and wanted to curate about it. Feel free to do so. If you find any interesting buildings or projects online, you can curate and tell us why it is so attractive to the community, impactful and interesting to you. The project can be anywhere in the world, around you or even your house!

b. Conceptual projects



When talking about conceptual and idea, it is referring to projects that are not built yet. It can be a proposal or even fictional projects (like the architectural setting in movies). The conceptual projects have more freedom in terms of design and expression as there are little restrictions. A great piece of concept should be curated and be known to a larger community. Use your creativity to curate those ideas and spread the essence of it to a larger audience. Not to forget, if you have your own unrealized projects, you can share them too as they are considered conceptual and ideas! We never know that if someone out there is interested to know more about it and help you to realize it.

c. Thoughts/idea about our built and living environment



This will be a general topic whereby anyone can share their views, thoughts and ideas on topics that relate to the built environment. For example, the place you are living in has great infrastructure like linked train system that brings access to the people. Share your thoughts about this observation and maybe you can even suggest more ideas for the stakeholders to improve the system. We always believe that a small idea can always have a big impact. We appreciate and embrace every small idea.
Other examples like if you read about news that discusses local economy. Then, you have an idea to improve the situation through some project integration like improve the market facility or improve the road infrastructure. You can write it out and share your idea with the community. As long as it is related to our built environment.

d. Related technology



This will include the technology behind any software and hardware that are related to architecture and engineering which can impact our built environment. Prominent projects like the Boring company’s work, Hyperloop Transportation can be the topic and you can express how you think the projects can impact the world. In terms of software, it can be the BIM software that is slowly replacing the old draughtsmen design and build process or some smart AI software that can assist us in our home.

In this category, you can share from different perspectives of technology like through:

  • Introduction
  • Tutorial
  • Comparison
  • And etc

As long as you have something to say about the technology, you are welcome to contribute.

e. Community works



For this category, you can share the community works that you are involved in that can relate to the betterment of the built environment, physically and spiritually.

This can be through labour work which you are contributing your energy and time to a new home for the less fortunate. Or it can be some sharing session that you involve that spread knowledge that relates to the betterment of the built environment.

This category is what makes us wanted to establish this #archisteem the most which we are deeply inspired by @sndbox's initiative to set up Steem park. It will be awesome to put our design and professional skills to use this platform.

Here is the recent update from them.

3 Benefits of using the tag:

  1. Able to collect all the contents and form a brand “#archisteem” that resemble the future generation’s voice for the betterment of the future living environment.
  2. Able to gain support from other communities (currently at an early stage and in need of support and prove of concept before we can get the needed support). As of now, as the leaders for this tag, we will do our best to support all the contributors.
  3. There is more excitement coming soon for this tag, so please help us to build up the tag reputation and together we grow and make an impact.

4 Are you eligible to join?

Yes, of course! Everyone who possesses a passionate heart to contribute to the future community and enthusiastic to share their knowledge is welcome.

Golden rules:

  1. No plagiarism allowed. Do cite the respective sources regardless of images and any other contents.
  2. Minimum 300 words per article to be considered eligible for Archisteem initiative support (we will launch this support system soon)
  3. No spamming allowed. Those who abuse the tag will be reported.

Do drop us comments and resteem to spread the word to your fellow friends. We look forward for the contents that will use the tag :)

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