Archisteem : MANCHESTER - my entry for 1001 Places to Remember.

Photo 03-07-2016, 8 17 12 pm.jpg
The Old Trafford Stadium.

Manchester, United Kingdom.

“Glory-glory Man United”. The first tune that will pop in most people’s mind when they hear ‘Manchester’. Maan-chest-tah, as the local people there call themself with their own slang, had crafted a very special spot in my heart, not particularly in the sport but the artsy side of it. I find it funny how a place other than home can be so familiar, and so destined as it were made for myself.

It was a leap of faith. After graduated my diploma in architecture in 2011, i moved there for 5 years for my Bachelor and Masters degree alone without my other batchmates, in fact i was the only missing person who did not present during our graduation day because i have already in Manchester at that time. It was my first time to be away from my comfort zone, and moved to a new place where i dont know anyone at all.

The best part that made it worth it was the chance to start fresh. Sculpting my own experiences through a freely chosen path, i can consciously choose to be anyone i want to be from a blank page. It was almost like i found a reset button to my life.

The odds are on my side as Manchester is a melting pot of culture from all over the world, thus nobody will ever judges anyone of being anything at all. No culture or style is weird and everyone can openly ask and discuss about everything; faith, habits, customs, etc. This situation have made me explore my potential beyond what i always do, and venture into all my other parallel dreams.

Manchester have got everything i need. I started venturing into the things i love, with serious efforts. I went all out in my every venture in arts; m
usic, travelling, scriptwriting, photography, poetries, and the one thing that clearly defines me, sketching. The city is full with the beauty from both the past and the present, the old industrial revolution relics juxtaposed with the rather modern glass retrofittings. All of these have influenced my production of artworks, as it helps contextualized them.

Being a Malaysian student in Manchester had made everything i pursuit there become a global scale, at an international level. From both perspective of the people in manchester as well as those in my home country they see everything i do through my social medias.

The beauty in Manchester’s architecture setting is unlimited. There are always a new things to see, new beauties to capture, new stories to talk about and new angle to sketch. Manchester, my second home. :)

Photo 18-06-2016, 8 50 55 pm.jpg
Piccadilly Garden, Manchester.

Photo 05-07-2016, 5 11 29 pm.jpg
Market St., Manchester.


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