History.... The bridge of no return

The bridge of no return... Just as the name implies, no one ever left the community and returned. Sadly but true.

The bridge is in Nigeria, Akwaibom state. ![IMG_20180430_215146.jpg]( Photo source:imagency

This is an existing remainder of the horrors of the Slave Trade era. The bridge is infamous as the last point of discharge of slaves into the waiting slave ships that eventually sailed them into slavery. As the name suggests, no slave who walked the bridge ever returned.

history has it that for all that stepped on this bridge, Non ever returned . The bridge was a symbol of beginning of captivity. This happened years ago. ![IMG_20180430_215118.jpg]( The freedom of choice, right of living was taken from people. They where sold into slavery against thier wish. Parents sold their children ,communities sold our stubborn youths.

this history should never be allowed to fade away, it should be preserved and cherished. This bridge is now a tourist site.


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