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Have you ever considered joining the army in your country?

Maybe that idea has gone through your mind at some point and is not a crazy idea, because serving the army in your country shows that you appreciate the value of being born in that country and want to be part of something really important, men who Serve the army have courage and courage, that is why they decide to be part of something that has years being very important for the nation of a country.

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People who make this decision know that it is an honor for them to serve their country, joining the military may be the best decision of your life, because anyone who feels love for their country may feel the need to serve His country, to see that everything goes with order and all the laws of the country are fulfilled.

The reasons for joining the armed forces may be because you know that the basic function of the militia is to provide protection against the foreign armed forces in possible internal conflicts, is to be part of the protection of your country, although you can also serve in support functions of Emergencies that have been affected by a disaster.

In many cases, military scientific and technological research produces benefits for the civilian sector, investment in a country's armed forces can grow a country's workforce by having a significant impact on the standards of civilian life.

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You can join the armed forces to serve your country, to know that in any situation that may affect the nation has its military to provide protection, and that armed forces often help when natural disasters occur that affect the country because all are united by the same cause, the well-being of their country.

A good reason to join the armed forces is that your services are always recognized, with decorations that encourage you to remain part of something as important as the militia in your country, you just have to take the step of writing in the military and be Part as many of the militia in your country, because when you love your nation wants the best for her.

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The main function of the armed forces is the defense of sovereignty and social intentions, divided into branches where there are different armed services that are separated and grouped in the military resources that are used as follows on land is the army, In the sea the navy and in the air the air forces.

The area studied to be in the armed forces is military science, which is divided into three levels of the study area, which is the strategy, operational art, and tactics, each area is studied for the application of the use of Strength to reach any particular goal. You can decide to join the armed forces as a volunteer or study the military science career and dedicate your entire life to the armed forces of your country.

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