Mysterious Droppa discs - Bayan Kara Ula

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In 1939, a Chinese researcher Chi Pu Tei name, accompanied by his students started operating a remote chain of mountains of Tibet, known as Bayan Kara Ula, there being located a set of caves, but with some unusual features, these were divided as it progressed in many underground caves, which finally again crossed, but the more they explored, realized that not these were simple caves, created by nature itself, but caves artificially generated a the factors that led these researchers this finding was the way it was designed to form given to these caves, all had the parameter square and crystallized form, since for the time with existing technology, it was impossible to generate that kind of artificial structure, as to generate the straight cuts and the very crystallization was necessary to apply large amount of heat in case the mineral composition of the region generates around 1,200 degrees Celsius. Intriguing...

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Still intrigued by the discovery researchers at the step into the background in the cave system, eventually locate what appeared to be graves, puzzled, to open one of them located the body of a humanoid with short stature measuring between 1.00 meters and 1 , 38 meters, and ruled to treat children, another factor that caught their attention was the skull size in relation to the body, being extremely disproportionate to human, yet the fact that they are side by side in that sepulchral chamber, showed intelligence, certainly it was not a monkey cave because the monkeys do not bury each other after death and on top were lined up side by side ...
But if they were not monkeys, would be another kind of creatures ... But what?

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At that point many doubts have hung, was not human it was indeed by the formation of the skull, furthermore, the bone structure of them showed seemingly fragile to our standard bone stiffness.

Soon they imagined to be a kind of uncatalogued primates. But primates had small brains and not bury each other. Even they made graves and bury a side to side. Then we saw that these beings were not apes. ·. Still perplexed followed in his research and continued to explore the cave for clues that could explain the mystery involved there. A few more into the cave were found the evidence that were not apes, but really intelligent beings. They were drawings and inscriptions carved on the walls.

The pictograms representing things that were quickly identified as the rising sun, mountains, moon, the Earth, the stars with dots and lines connecting each other. Then it has been found buried medium, a disk of 22.7 cm in diameter. At the beginning it had not given importance as it was in the middle of the earth and dust. Then they dug up completely and cleaned.

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Just realized that someone actually very clever would have done the stone disc. It seems to be a kind of historical record made by someone who wanted to leave something recorded history. The groove was too perfect to have been done by a kind of little intelligence. The later dating of the stone disc surprised everyone because It proves to be much older than previously thought. It has between 10,000 and 12,000 years old. That surprises a bit and further increases its mystery, it makes these older rocks than the pyramids of ancient Egypt that so many speculations and outlandish theories bring upon themselves. But this was only the first of the discs.

Continuing the exploration, other disk was found inscribed with a strange pictographs, never seen before. These characters are in a strange writing and ignored meaning. Recorded characters are almost microscopic and impossible were made by scratching if a stone in the other. Even today would require the use of special tools. The discs had perfect cut, and that nearly 12,000 years ago. Certainly they had some very important meaning for those who did. In the middle of most disks have a circular orifice. What kind of tool allowed a circle so accurate? Then found another disc of other different characters also indecipherable, then another, and another. At the end it was recorded a total of 716 dishes. All of them with registration of strange characters. Most with 30 cm diameter orifice and at least 20 mm Each disk has entered fine grooves spirally from the center to the edge...

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The discs were cleaned, collected and labeled. And together with the remains of strange beings were sent to Beijing in China. They were then stored at the Beijing Museum for further research.

It was a very large amount of stone disks, a library. They had to keep until he could be translated the meaning of microscopic inscriptions. For over 20 years there have been several failed attempts to decipher what was written on the plates, but with no positive result. More than 20 years later, exactly in 1962, it appeared a professor, Tsum Um Nui who became fascinated with the history and proposed to spend your time trying to decipher the meaning of the recordings made in stone. With some colleagues, he found that the grooves in coils on each of the discs were not risk haphazardly, but a kind of writing very structured, but unknown to us. And that before attempting to decipher, transcribe need all content to the paper. Thus began the hard work of character identification. the use of magnifying glasses to observe the characters and copies them to the notebooks was necessary. And so the disks one by one were analyzed with a magnifying glass to copy detailed what was written to paper, this attempt to facilitate translation.

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As the disks has almost 12,000 years of antiquity, that writing would be the oldest ever made within the Earth. Even if unknown, it was a totally unknown writing system of the present civilization. As I was studying the stone discs, the teacher also wrote down some questions like: "How can a primitive people make as accurate records as"? "As the almost microscopic writing can be made in stone", "Why were made ? "," Why did so many records? "and" who were the things that made the stones? "after all copied to paper, Tsum Um Nui professor team joined all a kind of book and then try to translate the meaning of strange writing. It was a very difficult task, since the symbols do not resemble any known form of writing. And many of the inscriptions were erased by erosion, which made it more difficult. And I needed to put in order the stones in order to have a sense. It was a time consuming and not easy process. Finally, with great difficulty, making assumptions and imagining meanings, making some drawings in whole words or even complete sentences, some of eventually forming a supposed translation plausible and logical. So a part can be deciphered. All translated gathered by the team was then translated into Chinese writing. But only a small part has been translated, most continues meaningless actually been inconsistent. The part that can be translated is so astonishing that scares the content. So frightening that after translated was rejected by the university that refused to accept its contents. They refused to publish their research. The Peking University examined his research, but estimated that the interpretation criteria lacked scientific arguments. Frustrated by the refusal to publish, Tsum Ui Nui went into exile in Japan until his death, just after...

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Only three years later, in 1965, it was published not in China but in Germany by the magazine "Das Universum Vegetarische" written by the philosopher Vyacheslav Saizev. And also in the Anglo-Russian magazine "Sputnik" about the discovery of the disc, its contents and the translation by Professor Tsum Ui Nui. According to the publication, records and writings could only be made by mechanical means, and could never have been done by hand due to its great precision. And that's 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. The larger disk was 3 meters in diameter and lighter had 400 grams.
After these publications, Chinese scientists showed pictures of the Dropa discs that were made were similar to Bi discs, which were found by the thousands in various regions of China, mainly in the Southeast. The government has avoided the disclosure of the discovery of discoveries of this kind, so little is heard talking about it. Today when you visit China, you can see and photograph the Dropa and Bi stones in Museums. The difference is that the Bi discs are small, made of jade or nephrite, with a small round or square hole in the center, and has noth ieroglyphics as the Dropa discs. The majority of the Bi discs are from the Neolithic period (XXX A.C. century) and were found before the Shang dynasty period. Already Bi disks dated after the Shang dynasty had inscriptions of dragons, fish and snakes and used in ritual ceremonies. Already the Bi discs found in the Neolithic period were graves, buried beneath the head or feet of the deceased. Bi No disk has characters or spiral grooves as Droppa discs...

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Already Droppa discs have unique properties with high concentrations of cobalt and other materials that give the stone a higher hardness than normal. Another peculiarity that makes them so special. The Dropa discs are more resistant than granite, indicate an advanced technology in such a remote time. This reinforces the theory that to record the stones were necessary machinery and technology that did not exist 12,000 years ago. Again the only explanation is equipment that would have been brought in the spaceship Dropa. And even more so by the small size they were written. The ordered part and decoded tells the story of a intergalactic travel machine (spacecraft) that was forced to land on this planet, just in the mountains of Baian Kara Ula. Interplanetary crew were Droppa (In Chinese, the Mandarin dialect pronounced Djo-Pah). From a distant part of universe and also having transport was damaged, they had to make a forced landing. The site of the landing was exactly near the mountains, and the damaged ship could not come back. His flying machine was damaged too much and could not take off and found here material for concert. They would have to stay on the planet and try to survive. It seemed they could not communicate with the planet of origin...

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Thus Droppa decided to take refuge in the mountains. There were males, females and children. They lived in caves and made the galleries of the caves, where they made the inscriptions on the wall and made the stone discs counting occurred. Your intentions were peaceful. They tried to contact the inhabitants of the planet, but were not understood. Humans who saw mistook them for enemies and demons armed with spears chased them and killed most of them. Because the appearance of Droppa was ugly and disgusting. And it caused fear of humans. For they had never seen beings that look and did not understand their language.

Confused them with demons of ancient religious beliefs. The humans who tried to contact the Droppa were natives of the Han tribe, who also lived in caves. But caves in the nearby mountains. Han considered the enemies who were trying to invade your territory. After several attempts, finally the Han realized through drawings made by Droppa and sent to them without being seen. Finally, after several attempts at communication, Han managed to understand the peaceful purposes of the Droppa. They were admitted by Han and guests to its territory. Thus Dropped survivors were able to live together with the Han until all died and were buried in the caves where they lived. Whatever the truth behind the Droppa stones, scholars and researchers are still fascinated by its existence. The high concentration of cobalt and the high hardness of them increase the mystery about these objects. Archaeologists and anthropologists are still trying to learn its meaning. Its origin
remains unknown...

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