Rough Edges #1: The All Seeing Eye (A Ball Pen Sketch)

For those of you who have known me for quite a while, it must be familiar when I say I love to keep art journals and diaries with me almost every time. As I was just sitting there, thinking what can I make next, an idea struck my mind!

What if I make a diary filled with sketches, done only with pen, without any pencils or guidelines you know. Sometimes, I want to start any piece of art directly and not without any guidelines but am not able to do so for the fear of spoiling it. So, this type of sketching can really be helpful for boosting my confidence while using any medium!

(P.S - I used to do this a lot in my 8th grade. :P)

These sketches could be quick like gestural drawings or not depending on the sketch type. So, here is the first sketch of  my friend that I made today, giving it only 15 minutes. It is from one of  the pictures that I had taken of her a little time back. I hope you like it! :) 

(Original Picture)

Will be back with lots more!

Lots Of Love <3 

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