Monet and Manet? Is the Difference More than Just O and A?

It is very easy to confuse two different artists from the same city with almost the same family names who lived at the same time.

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Argenteuil. Monet
Bank of the Siene at Argenteuil. Manet

Their acquaintance started with a big conflict but later they became big friends.

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Claude Monet. Self- portrait with a beret
Edouard Manet. Self - portrait with a palette

The reason of the fight was Edouard's Manet's expectations from the salon in 1865. He exhibited his new painting "Olympia".

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Olympia. Manet.

At the salon he heard appraisal exclamations to the family name that sounded like his but they were about landscapes and not about his "Olympia". He even thought that somebody used his name to get his fame. But it were landscapes by the unknown Claude Monet who made his debut.

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Claude Monet

Monet and Manet had much in common. They both created in impressionism style although Manet was closer to realism. Edouard Manet didn't consider himself an impressionist but newspaper critics called him a "king of impressionists" and young artists, future impressionists as "Manet's team".

They were both French and lived at the end of the 19th century.

On the internet you can find the easiest way to differ the paintings of these two artists. Monet is spots, Manet is people.
But if it was that easy. Even people who are not that bad in art will have a problem to identify where is "the Grand Channel in Venice" by Monet and where "The Grand Channel in Venice" by Manet.

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The Grand Channel in Venice. Claude Monet

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The Grand Channel in Venice. Edouard Manet

Edouard Manet was always close to realism. Some art experts even considered him as not an impressionist but first modernist. So, the more real the painting looks the bigger chance the artist was Manet. Monet although had some realistic works in the beginning too.

Monet was mostly interested in colour and its influence on the emotions of the spectator. So, if there are colours, light and their collaboration it is Monet.

For Manet volume was important. For example "A Bar at the Folies-Bergère" has a very complicated composition and volume.

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Edouard Manet. A Bar at the Folies Bergere

The Grand Channel is not the only plot which would make you think who is who. Once both artists looked out their windows. Monet was impressed with the colours and he painted a red - white - blue holiday. Manet got used to notice people on streets and he saw a bit different picture, a one - legged soldier who didn't let France forget about their shame war 7 years ago.

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The Rue Mosnier with Flags. Edouard Manet

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The Rue Montgueil in Paris. Claude Monet

Edouard and Claude were big friends untill Manet's death. The spectators at the salon didn't value his painting "Luncheon on the grass" and for Monet it was like a revolution, a breath of fresh air, life itself.
And in 2 years he painted his "Luncheon on the grass" as a sign of respect.

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And "Luncheon on the grass" by Picasso. Just for fun.)))
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Monet-Manet is a story of long friendship which was based on big respect and money. When Monet had tough times he wrote Manet letters that the money borrowed from Manet ran out and he wanted to borrow some more. Manet never refused and after he learnt about the illness of Camilla, Monet's first wife, he just wrote off all Claude's debts.

In 6 years after the death of Edouard Manet one American collector would like to buy "Olympia" for 20 000 francs. Monet gave up painting for a half year and became a bookkeeper and PR - specialist to organize a money collection to buy the painting and give it to France.

The more I read about artists the more I am impressed with their characters. They were not just big talents but also real people with big hearts. And, of course, I have loved Claude Monet for many - many years already.


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