The four seasons #2 - Spring -Quadriptych sculpture

As i said in my previous post The four seasons #1-Winter . this quadriptych is my own interpretation of the 4 seasons theme so well treated by Archimboldo.
If you are interessed you can read this previous and the next later.

For the Spring i choosed :
Ornements : Flowers, butterflies, leaves.
Composition : Deployement curves
Color : Green patina. There is two primary seasons: Winter and Summer for wich i choosed metallic aspect, gold and silver and two secondary Spring and Autumn for wich i used patina (Green and brown). These four colors are the main colors of traditional bronze artworks. So there is an accidental correspondence between seasons and colors of ancient bronze artworks.



It's time now to do the composition. in fact I often work without much preparatory sketches. Just the main volumes. the rest depends on the elements that I will find in my stock. There is some adaptation as i go along. Here, for the background it was not necessary to do the sketches once I had found the items I was going to use. I've done the composition directly on the workbench.




The background is a new brass plate. Patina is done with the cold chemical recipe i use to do the verdigris color. The advantage of my recipe is that I can master the color of blue to apple green depending on the concentration of the two ingredients (Ammonium chloride and sodium carbonate). On the other hand it's longer. Several layers and several days of waiting




To see the previous post about Winter: @alain-bellino/winter-the-four-seasons-quadriptych-sculpture

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