3 Top Online mentorships to bring you to the next level

2,5 years ago I was here :


But in my head I knew I wasn’t that far from getting a job as a concept artist (maybe it was just in my head haha but that’s enough). But I didn’t know how to maximize my learning or what to begin with. I was stuck.

At that time I heard about Anthony Jones and his mentorship he just launched a few month before so I reached him out ( Rule n°1 :Never ever be afraid to send mails to anyone if you have a question, Rule n°2 : If no answers, try again a few days after). I wasn’t sure what to expect from 1 month mentorship but the students who already took part of it did tremendous growth.

I took it and ended up doing 3 months mentorship, it was the best decision I could have ever taken for my artistic journey. I made really good friends, forged awesome relationships, learned not a recipe but HOW to learn. And this is the most important part. And how to correct my bad habits. I still love these classes dearly haha.

That’s why I share here 3 mentorship/class you can take to hone your skills. I took part of some of these classes or my friends did and I saw the results (just a matter of time and money before I commit to the next one haha)

1. Robotpencil Mentorship

The One for me. I learned so much. I learned more in 1 month than at my art school in 1 year. It might be intense (I ended up doing 200 thumbnails in 2 weeks), but it might change your life for the better. You have different packages for each type of class, but the main one is 500$ for one month (you can take 1 or 2 month class).
For each class you will have video homework to do for the week, and each week you will get 2 feedbacks class through Skype with your comrades and your mentor. What you have to know is, your classmates can be from any skill level, so you will learn from everyone ! And you will be amazed by how fast someone can improve.
Also everyone will help you whether it be your art or your time management.

Mentors : Anthony Jones (Sony, Blizzard…), Kalen Chock (ILM, Coda Games)



Learn from some of the top guys in the film industry. I haven’t tested this one yet but some friends got a tremendous experience with it.

The teaching model is based on the Robotpencil one but you can also get a video ony or video and student feedbacks only for lower price. Among the different courses you can have Narrative concept art with Jama Jurabaev, Intro to Environments with Maciej Kuciara, Motion Design, Title Design… They have a broad array of courses with an incredible line-up. The fact that the mentorships are live is definitely a plus that will definitely help you a LOT.


3. Schoolism.com

This course is already more oriented toward Animation film. Lead by the amazing Bobby Chiu (Check his work guys it’s crazy good) you will learn from the bests. Whether it be Nathan Fowkes (CoD franchise), Terry Whitlach (Creature design), Dive Tutsumi (Toy Story)... The assignements are well thought and you will learn how to express yourself in the best way possible. I find these courses more refreshing in term of content I have to say but you don’t have live sessions on Skype but only by differed videos is a bit sad… But hey, the price is still 15$ and for a (big) McDonalds you can get a lesson from Craig Mullins ?
So Even if the others are too expensive for you, here you have no excuse and I think this is a must do class for everyone to take =D


That’s it ! There are plenty of other schools and mentorships, these 3 are the one I could get a close look at, but if you know other classes feel free to share them in the comments alongside with why you like this school.

I hope you could learn a bit from this post and if you were hesitating, that this post helped you make a decision =)

Have a great greaaat day ! Cheers Steemians !

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