5 Youtube channels to upgrade your painting skills

A simple picture to illustrate the topic but nothing related to it sorry -Final Equinox : The Arrival

Hello Steemians !

Today I want to share with you 5 top Youtube channels which will help a lot to hone your craft as an artist. Whether you are an amateur, a student or a pro, these 5 ones will definitely help you.

Bobby Chiu

I talked about him in my previous post here :


Bobby Chiu is an incredible artist and never ceases to inspire me through his Youtube channel, where he puts tons of ressources and content from experience, interviews and assignments or his Schoolism classes where the best artists in the movie industry share their skills for a starting price of 15$ (for real. That's crazy. And 1$ only if you want to change to another lesson.)

Here is one of his videos, which I am sure, can help a lot of minnows (maybe dolphins as well ?) here on Steemit =) :

Marketing 101 For Artists by Bobby Chiu


The best website and videos out there to learn Photoshop or fundamentals in drawing and painting. The videos are short, clear and sooo well done ! I learned so much through this gem of a website.

Ctrl+Paint Why posting free video tutorials for 5 years ?

Shaddy Safadi

Shaddy Safadi. One of the best concept artists out there. He is pretty tough though, so don't be afraid by what he says in his videos haha. In these video tutorials he breaks down his process in very useful and understandable ways fo you to grasp it easily (and practice hard to master them as well=)).

Digital painting tutorial 0

FZD School

I guess Feng's channel is one of the most famous one, but still need a shout out. He will go through his process and thinking for making an image for the game or movie industry. It is pretty much AAA level. Today yo can see most of his students getting jobs after a year of hardcore practice and learning at the FZD School in Singapore (They are perspective beasts.)

FZD Tutorial


And Finally, Proko. A really good Youtube ressources to learn and practice your fundamentals. Proko gives solid knowledge and clear explanations through his videos. His topics go from Anatomy to color theory and shape language which makes it one of the most complete channels on learning how to draw on Youtube.

Proko tutorial How to draw gestures

Aaand that's it for today ! it was quite the short post this time, I hope you discovered or re-discovered some of these ressources, feel free to share to someone who might need them, or share some other channels you like in the comments or any tips to improve my posts (especially how to embed a Youtube video in Steemit, I couldn't find it) =) (I'm on Discord @Alcy)

Have a wonderful day !
Cheers !

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