IDENTITY artwork and process

The most important tool to use as an artist, no matter of the art form, techniques and mediums, is thinking.
The unique way of thinking is the most valuable tool an artist has, and is also the most enjoyed tool.
Some artworks never see the light of day, being just vivid dreams, imagined in detail like a secret selfish pleasure. I say secret because for me this sometimes happens when I am supposed to enjoy time with friends, watch a movie or find my way back home because again I went on the wrong street.
Vision and sound become a blur and movement is unmindful.
It feels like my mind refuses to take any external information and uses all power to focus on one idea.
Spreng from admiration or curiosity , the idea leads to further observation and study, then comes conceptualizing , planning and sketching, until the artwork is complete an entire mental metodologi is created. Step by step the thought process is deeply enjoyed.
The artwork is an unselfish consequence of a selfish pleasure.

Identity © 2017
watercolor and gouache on paper


my first attempt to a process time-laps video .....

Camera died halfway trough, and editing is so difficult :(

identity room.jpg

3 columns
2 columns
1 column