"Thank You For Being" @denniskonstantin

I have this beautiful opportunity today to extend some love, gratitude and appreciation for greatness.

I am humbled by this in more ways than I can explain.
“Thank you for being” - is an initiative started by @everlove, a beautiful artist, and so happy to say, a friend of mine here on steemit.
So I could not start this without saying:


Taking the time to fully acknowledge the things we are grateful for, in life, is such a healthy practice, I used to write down in a diary the things I was grateful for, whenever I was feeling down, and everytime it helped. But so far, this was just a form of therapy, while making it public and addressing it to someone else is so much more than that. IT IS ART

Taking the time to fully acknowledge that you had the chance to witness greatness, taking the time to fully acknowledge how witnessing greatness has changed you forever, and taking it to the next step of expression in a public way, while creating awareness and conversation, over your discovery, is nothing else than materializing a feeling, giving shape to a beautiful thought and adding an aesthetic expression to something that you hold dear


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"Thank You For Being" @denniskonstantin

And now for my favorite artist on steemit, aultimate favorite !!!

It was so easy, it took me less than a second, to choose my favorite artist to address this too.
The fact that it was easy to choose does not reflect on the quantity of greatness that I found on steemit, because I found so many amazing artists, to learn from and be inspired by, I found so many grate initiatives, to take part into and learn things about myself.
The fact that it was easy to choose is that I was literally struck by @denniskonstantin’s work, in such a way, that it does not happen often in life.

I feel that every brushstroke and every word expressed by him offers such exploration and transformation to one’s perception, or at least to my perception.

I did not interact much with him , for the same reason, I was lovestruck by his work in such a way that it was hard to express in chit chat, it was hard to formulate in a small little comment.

Here is his account description:

“On the journey to a new form of expression. Disciple of universal wisdom and colorful growth. Psychonaut.”

So what do I have to say to this?

I want to learn about the paths you encounter in your journey to new forms of expression.
I invite conversation about the universal wisdom and colorful growth.
I am an inspired Psychonaut too, so let’s exchange inspiration and our daily discovered visions.

Some of his masterpieces :) ( I would have to add that the term “masterpiece” can be applied to all of his paintings)


    “is the driving force of my artistic work. And to make the intangible order inside visible, my task. It is always fun to dive into the chaotic structures of an underpainting and swim to the finish line in these uncharted waters.
    The painting "Pan Dynamautic" is one of my very abstract pieces and I am still figuring out what I really want to say with these images. Maybe there is something beyond words and language I am looking for. If that is the case, I should let the painting speak for itself...;-)”

                  By  @denniskonstantin



“ I had no real plan to start with (like always) and the painting came together very organically. The whole piece took me about a month.”

                                                          By  @denniskonstantin



“...some of my paintings stay unfinished longer than others. Sometimes years pass by until a painting finds its way to completion. "This infinite Struggle" was one of these 'slow burners'.
I think I started this canvas about 4 years ago and spend just a few days on it until I got stuck somehow and left it on my studio walls for the next years. It already had a nice composition of abstract forms and patterns but I couldn't find inspiration to complete it. Then one day I came across a phot of two sparrows, fighting with each other over a crumb of bread. I instantly loved the idea of 'war & dispute' happening in nature also. So I had to make a painting out of these fighting birds and this old blue canvas matched just perfectly.
I always trust the process and work very patiently on every piece. Sometimes when you don't know how to go on, It's maybe good to let a painting sit for a while until it all comes together naturally.
Patience is a virtue ;-)”

                                                                        By  @denniskonstantin

I could go on forever and showcase all his work in this article, But better I invite you all to visit his blog, witness greatness and be transformed.

Personally I resonate a lot with his style and his aesthetic formulation of ideas.
As for subjects to be explored, picked up like flowers from the unknown’s infinite garden, transformed into deep curiosity to the point of passionate obsession, to be later translated in a language that is inexhaustible in meaning compared to words and thoughts.

That is why, @denniskonstantin is my ultimate favorite artist.

I wish you the best @denniskonstantin
Thank you for being @denniskonstantin

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