A guide to spaceships and where to find them.

I tend to fall into things. I didn't set out to be a story teller and write books, it just happened. I know how can you just fall into writing a book? Well I just started posting on a game's forums in character and it just grew from there. Next thing someone said 'why not write a story' so I did. Having no idea what I was doing was to be honest a good thing as I just went with it. Finding someone who mentioned editing and proof reading was a bonus that turned my unfinished mess into something worth buying was the turning point.
It was the same with doing the artwork for space ships, I helped a friend run an online game for a bit and it needed new artwork so I taught myself the basics on a CAD program. The game folded but i was left with designs that I've used since for my book covers. So as I'm new here I thought I'd post a few examples of my spaceships.
First up is this one that became my first book cover.
photo book cover 4_zpsjhqem9nj.jpg
Next up is another book cover.
photo trade port_zps4wcl7ak1.jpg
Now just a few that put the differnt ships together.
photo fleet. 5_zps2iwxajf5.jpg
photo deep space-1_zpsi60c2qfj.jpg
photo dagnabbit 5-2_zpsfg9ufe3i.jpg
photo New folder 97-001_zpsqg48czbp.jpg
And finally just a bit of a plug for my books with the 3 covers together.
photo BOOK COVERS22-001_zps36mhjpmo.jpg
Hope you enjoyed a quick look at the pictures, feel free to pick them apart and point out any mistakes. You don't get better if you don't know where you go wrong.

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