A dragons tale - sand sculpture

Remember those old things called books? When I finally learned to read (I was a slow starter) I would always have one on hand to bring me to another reality. I loved to visualise the action and my imagination would create the best special effects ever created.

Of course I still read now but don't but have the time to sit down and be absorbed by a tome. Now it is more sitting down for a bedtime story with my son.

Back and forth to Asia

After a months holiday in Thailand I flew home to Ireland only to return to Asia two days later to this project on Sentosa island, Singapore.

Sentosa is like a resort Island and the landscaping was quite nice, this lovely yellow beach with palm trees and big rocks littered along it. We stayed in a nice hotel and there was a group of nice people around including @elportugal (another sand sculpting steemian).

Unnatural nature

It was like a tropical Disney land. The sand was shipped in from Malaysia and dumped in big piles on the beach, it would then leveled out to keep the beach topped up because the sea kept on nicking it. Even the rocks were fake and made of fiberglass.

Just before the sand was turned into a beach someone got an idea to use it to make a sand sculpture competition. and that was what I was there for. Representing my country at this big international project was an honor although I was pretty worried about embarrassing myself sculpture wise. I wasn't expecting to win but it was great to take part.

The sand itself was horrible to carve. Everything needed to be quite solid and safely supported which led most of the sculptures to look like big frosted cakes, including my own.

My idea wasn't too creative, I just wanted to make something about the imagination that books give children. I won't spell it out as you can pretty much see it in the pictures.

I was happy with the cut throughs I made between the tail and the books and you will have to believe me that it was quite risky in this sand. I was worried at all times that my amateur team mates (more below) might bump it of make some not so good vibrations.

I had decided what I was going to make weeks before because they wanted me to send a design which I really hate doing. I am not much of a drawer and don't really like designing until I get a feel for the sands possibilities. Here is the sketch I sent them. As you can see it didn't really turn out the same due to lack of time, the quality of sand and also it being so damn big.

Highered help

I was given a group of students from a local school to help me with the sculpture, It was the first time I had assistance in this way and learning how to use them to the best of their abilities was difficult. Most of them didn't want to be there and working outside seemed to be something they had never experienced. It was hot and humid for them, so just image how hard it was for a pale skinned Irish guy.

One of two of them seemed to get into it and where usefully to put to work on the scales of the dragon but most seemed to take extended toilet breaks and try to stay in the shade. If only I had that option.

Comprising to the end

Time was really against me and I resorted to some major simplification as I worked down., opting for rocks instead of books ( this was something the helpers could do without much guidance). I quickly finished the rest made a ducks head instead of a dragon. Why? Because, I don't know. Imagination?



Thanks for reading. If you have just found me on steemit, welcome. With my posts I am documenting my many years as a sand, snow and ice sculptor and other projects. The works are long gone but I hope to give them new life on the blockchain. Below you can find some of my recent posts.

Three materials - sand sculpture

Africa - sand sculpture

Adam and Eve go Shopping - sand scullpture

I hope you'll join me again soon.

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