Eureka - Sand Sculpture

What is it worth? A very common question in the ups and downs of crypto currencies. They could be be $20,000 one day, $20 the next. No wonder it is hard for most people to take it too seriously. Gold on the other hand is a bit more established as a store of wealth and also has some great uses. It is much easier to be sure of what you got based on it's volume and weight. But this was not always the case.

In ancient Greece Hiero of Syracuse had a problem of knowing if the goldsmith he had given gold to to fashion a votive crown had used all the gold or had cut it with another metal, like silver. He wanted to know if he was being ripped off ( Spoiler alert, he was).

While taking a bath, Archimedes the Scholar noticed that the water level rose the more of his body he submerged. He had discovered a way to measure the Volume of irregular objects. And knowing it's Volume and weight would give its density. If the crown was anything but pure gold the sums just wouldn't add up.

Over excited by his discovery Archimedes leapt from the bath and ran naked through the streets of Syracuse shouting Eureka! Eureka! Or at least that is how the story goes.

(This is the only image of have of this sculpture, my apologies for it's quality.)

It was one of a few sculpture I made very quickly for a party at a K3 sand quarry in Tiele, The Netherlands. It was a strange project with long hours and a very eclectic theme. I just made pretty much what I was told to by the people I was working for, The Sandaholics. They must have had some sort of symbolism to the quarry owner.

I also made the above Ship and helped Baldrick Buckle finish this Dinosaur monster thingy.

Anyway, back to Crypto. Maybe we could find a way to find the true value of a crypto by seeing how many middle men they displace. I'm no expert, but at the moment most coins seem to be just like something to be bought and sold with no intrinsic value. Maybe Eos will be different and not just be measured in trading Volume.

As you can see I haven't much to say about the sand sculptures so decided to just go where the words took me.



Sorry for not posting much of late. Real world life and work kept me from my computer screen. Things have settled a bit now and I look forward to getting back into the swing of things and documenting more of my work as an ephemeral sculptor. Below you will find some of my recent posts. Jasus, I haven't posted in over two weeks. That said I have still been commenting and curating as best I could. It's nice to be back.

Spiderbaby - sand sculpture

Sea tales - sand sculpture

Crash test cowboy sand sculpture

I hope you'll join me again soon.

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