SAM THE DOG - The most photogenic dog in the world -WOOD BURNING portrait

On my previous wood burning posts, I promised that I will pick my next subject from the comments section, using

The lucky one was @mac-o , who requested that I use his dog, as he is the most photogenic dog in the world :)

I had to see this for myself and he was right, his dog Sam is adorable. His older 'sister' Chula didn't make the cut, but I think he would have made a great subject too.

Here is a reference photo that I received from this proud owner.Below you can see the photos with the process.

To have some guidelines I traced the main lines as it would be impossible to trace all the hair. The whole process took about five hours. This was my first animal portrait.

So what do you think?

Do you have any pets? Are they photogenic as Sam the labrador?

Feel free to check my other posts





Also we have a Steemit Art Challenge if you are interested to participate



The video where I choose the name

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