Psychedelic Pictures with Deep Dream Algorithm [Original Artwork]

Google Deep Dream was created to recognize shapes and patterns in images using algorithmic pareidolia, but can be used to create hallucinogenic artworks from regular photos and images. If you do enough iterations with this software, you will get very odd stuff, similar to LSD perceptions of reality.

So let's start with a Mandelbulb Fractal, a very basic one, like this:

And let's use the Deep Dream to transform it:

Now let's take a nature shot like this one:

to test the Deep Dream algorithm, I used the regular version of this image plus the black and white version, to see how the algorithm reacted to this change

Deep Dream from black and white image:

Deep Dream from color image:

Final Conclusions

This software is DOPE! It has been released as Open Source by Google, so you will find many different websites and mobile apps to experiment with it, the one I used is called "DD Filter" and runs on iPad/iPhone.

To certify my works visit my website - All pictures released under Creative Commons license.

Please leave your feedback and follow me @andrew0

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