Art Mix-up Contest

Link to the GIF:

This is my submission for the #artmixupcontest N. 4 :) First of all, I want to tell you a little bit about me:

My name is Angy, I'm a Visual Artist from Caracas, Venezuela. I have a project called Recorta y mueve (it means cut and move) that consists on utilizing paper money to make collage and GIF animations. This work is a proposal to question our preconceived notions and open ourselves to the idea that everything can be used as a material of play and strategy, even if it is paper money, something so deeply rooted to its conventional use.
Recorta y mueve was born inside a very difficult process of protests and civil insurrection here in Venezuela. In my creations, fragments of our social and economic reality are given a new function to confront ourselves with new possibilities. I strongly believe that those possibilities are related with the use of creativity and imagination, and for that reason I am committed to use my voice.

I was motivated to participate in this contest because of your passion for mixed media and creativity. I hope you like this, @lilyraabe thanks for the opportunity.

On this piece I mixed photography, digital collage and GIF animation. The process was like this:

  1. I took the picture
    gato y billete.jpg
  2. I opened it in Adobe Photoshop and make a cool mix –collage– with a GIF with clouds downloaded in giphy
    Captura de pantalla 2018-03-28 a las 20.18.48.png
  3. I made the animation frame by frame and edit the colors to give it a weird psychedelic vibe
    Captura de pantalla 2018-03-27 a las 16.54.56.png

You can see more of my work on my giphy channel and my blog

All best!

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