Tremeklock, The Wild Lizardman - Original Concept Art - Tiny Story

Hi There My Steemians!

Today I want to share a concept art with a tiny background story with you.

This is the very first of three super funny concepts I have done and enjoyed while doing. So, I hope you enjoy them!!

Tremeklock, The Wild Lizardman

"There wasn't many renegades between the scaly race of the Mreku-Ju. Those were mostly a race of sophisticated creatures devoted to the high and fine arts and politics. But it wasn't the case of Tremeklock, The Wild.

Tales speak about the horrendous atrocities that came out from his sharp and green-blue hands. Those were stories for the children to get them into deep dreams and fill their hearts with fear. Like the whispered songs of wars from the elders.

But before the tale was singed for the very first time, the day became into the night. And the horror were spread all along the ground.

Corpses and blood. No rest for the wretches. The age was nothing for The Wild, but a funny game in his mind: 'The smaller the better, I will get what I want...'

No hint were dropped from his mouth when the victims asked between the dying gasps.

Why? Why do you do this?

But instead of words... Brutal metal against bones.

Tremeklock The Wild... There's where his tale was born".


This was a little story I just wrote for introducing you this character, it was pure improvising (and you can note that), and... by the way... I'm falling asleep over my desk; too much work these weeks! (And the following will be even harder!!... So be aware for even worse stories! Hahaha).

And this post wouldn't be complete without the process of this concept! So here we go!!:

As always I'd love to know what you think about this art piece and if you have any critique for it or suggestion for the next post-artwork, I'd really know about!! Of course I will mention you over there!

Thanks a lot for your good vibes and stay cool as always my steemians!! Have a great day!!

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