Does that Pizza have Eyeballs? A step by step progression of "Slice" By Jessyca Myers

Halloween Pizza!  Because why not?  

Two of my favorite things are Halloween and Pizza so I thought I would combine the two into something really disgustingly delicious.  I took pictures of the process so that I could share with all you lovely people!

Every successful drawing starts off with a glass of wine and blank canvas.

Getting all my ducks in a row with sizing.

Added some delicious toppings...

Outlined... and now time for some color! (Don't judge that I'm using crayola, they actually work quote well"!

Gotta make that crust look nice and toasty!

Wait is that blood??

Yes that is definitely blood.

And green slime...great.

Time to really make those eyes pop!

We can't forget about the spiders and worms.

I added more shadows for a bit more realism.

Let's take a closer look shall we...

And there you have it!  A disgusting (but kind of cute) Slice of Halloween pizza!

Thanks for reading!!  

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