That Kraken Wall Art

Hi everyone! I would like to share with you my very first commercial mural project back in Oct 2016. I am very happy to show you this wall art for, guess what company? A liquor company! Haha~

Are you familiar with Kraken Rum? If not, then you are like me back then. I have never heard of this brand locally so I was very glad to have been able to create the (probably) very first public art for this brand. Oh yeah. Check this out!

(from my IG post)

It all started in September 2016 when I saw a tweet of a music festival DJ I started following. I enjoyed the set he played in Jacko Wacko so I decided to follow his Twitter account. Then, one day, to my surprise I saw his tweet looking for a wall art artist! Oh wow, that was the chance of a lifetime! I immediately grabbed the opportunity by tweeting him.

(Photo credit: Screen shot of direct message conversation via my Twitter)

After a meeting and several email exchanges later, voila! I and my team were chosen to do the artwork and they accepted the design proposal I made!

My art sketch in reverse. (Source)

Upon approval, a few days later we started painting this challenging 12 ft x 20 ft wall.

(Image frm my IG acct)

When my college alumni-mate, let's call him E who's a professional muralist, and I did a site inspection for this wall he said it might be difficult for me considering it's my first time to do murals. But hey, I didn't graduate Fine Arts for nuthin'. Lol. He might have the experience but I had the strong drive and passion of a mural newbie. Haha!

Wanna see a video of us working on it? Here's me and my team painting!

We just had to use a projector for accurate proportion, after all, it's such a big artwork to do freehand and such. I mean how else could we have done a guideline for a size this big and no scaffolding. Whew.

All in all I think it took us about 15 to 20 hrs work from start to the finishing touches.

Of course it wasn't all fun and roses, we encountered a few issues along the way but it doesn't matter. What matters is I have done something this big with the help of E and his other mural artist friends and my client/s were all happy with it. Oh yeah!

Right now I am working on getting another project for Valentine's so I hope it pushes through too! :D If you'd like me to make a mural for you or anyone you know, feel free to let me know.

That's all for now and I hope you enjoyed this post.


Oct 2016.jpg

All rights reserved.
© Art x Stephanie Rue

Want some more? You can check my other post below that is still within the 7 day period upon posting this:

Say Hello to Captain Jack Sparrow
Art contests are loooove. I get to draw stuff I wouldn't normally draw.


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